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Text To speech engine for other locales, like Hindi, Telugu etc

Rapid account: Pragnani
10 years ago

Hi, Provide option for other languages

Rapid account: Ttsengine Com
ttsengine.com Commented 10 years ago

just noticed that mashape doesn’t support unicode properly so the example above probably doesn’t appear correct.

Rapid account: Ttsengine Com
ttsengine.com Commented 10 years ago

We’ve added a simple Hindi voice. See the API updates to allow you to select the language and voice. Feel free to try it out! Our API fully supports UTF8 so you can send it text like “???”. We will be adding many more languages soon, Telugu and others are on our todo list! Thanks!

Rapid account: Ttsengine Com
ttsengine.com Commented 10 years ago

Hi. We are working on adding many more languages. We will let you know when these languages are supported. Thanks

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