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Improvements for "weekly" API endpoint

Rapid account: Svzi
il y a 5 ans

Did you thought about making the “weekly” API endpoint country specific? I doubt that every title in there is weekly new available in all countries, so for me this endpoint doesn’t make much sense. It would also be really helpful, to get the specific day of the week for each result.

Rapid account: Svzi
svzi Commented il y a 5 ans

Oh btw, the only title included (“Riverdale”, 80133311) will start on February 28th with new episodes! So assume the entry is wrong.

Rapid account: Svzi
svzi Commented il y a 5 ans

That looks really, really promising! There are a few titles missing for sure, but hopefully that will be more complete soon.

Why did you rename “netflixid” to “filmid” here? And I assume “newdate” is the date when the last episode was aired?

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented il y a 5 ans

Try this:

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