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include Genre as query parameter

Rapid account: Sjakelien

Do I correctly understand, that, in order to get a list of horror movies, I would need to first get all titles, then, for each title do a new request to get its genres, and then filter everything based on this added information?

Feels very inefficient.

Could you please add a [multiple, options] ‘genre’ parameter to your standard query?

Rapid account: Mwitteman
mwitteman Commented 3年前

any news on this? If the whole ‘genre’ part doesn’t work, I cannot offer my customers what they need

Rapid account: Mwitteman
mwitteman Commented 3年前

Sorry, just got to it now.
I managed to get a bunch of genres with the /genres endpoint
when I put one of the resulting 'netflixid’s in the /search endpoint (for instance ‘1701’ for ‘music’ I get zero results.
Is ‘genrelist’ mutually exclusive with another parameter?

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 3年前

You can use the /genres endpoint to get a list of genre ids… you can then submit any number of genreids in the genrelist variable on the /search endpoint

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