Rapid account: Imagevision

Imagevision / eyerecognize


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The values returned represent ratios with respect to your original image with a value between 0 and 1. You can multiply this number by your image size to get the bounding box coordinates. For Example, if your original image was 640 x 480: Left coordinate = BoundingBox.Left (0.3922065) * image width (640) = 251 Top coordinate = BoundingBox.Top (0.15567766) * image height (480) = 75 Face width = BoundingBox.Width (0.284666) * image width (640) = 182 Face height = BoundingBox.Height (0.2930403) * image height (480) = 140 ### You can then use the above to draw bounding box like this (Python PIL library) draw.rectangle([left,top, left + width, top + height], outline='#00d400') Wed 3:31 4/11/20
The values returned represent ratios with respect to your original image with a value between 0 and 1. You can multiply this number by your image size to get the bounding box coordinates. For Example, if your original image was 640 x 480: Left coordinate = BoundingBox.Left (0.3922065) * image width (640) = 251 Top coordinate = BoundingBox.Top (0.15567766) * image height (480) = 75 Face width = BoundingBox.Width (0.284666) * image width (640) = 182 Face height = BoundingBox.Height (0.2930403) * image height (480) = 140 ### You can then use the above to draw bounding box like this (Python PIL library) draw.rectangle([left,top, left + width, top + height], outline='#00d400') Wed 3:31 4/11/20
Our [Deep Face Detect API(https://rapidapi.com/eyerecognize/api/deep-face-detect) provides face and eye landmark bounding box coorindates. You can use these coordinates to get color information for Skin and Eyes. We don't provide hair landmark information at this point. Sun 3:54 11/10/20
"Do I have to add a credit card to test it?" This would be a question to ask RapidAPI support about, but, I believe you do require an account and credit card on file to test services, but you wouldn't be charged if you use the 'test' feature or the 100 free image per day option. Of note, we have two endpoints, a Nudity API service and a new NSFW API that provides additional labels not included in the Nudity API. Tue 3:34 3/3/20
Hello anilpjt1 - We can setup a free short-term trial if you are interested in testing the functionality. Wed 5:47 27/3/19
These are because some of the URLs we receive from you, including above, are invalid. Other example is this http://api.dating.com/users/20532879831/photos/7c20d92967153229.x. These images are not downloadable from your server. They show up correct on the browser but then when you save the image or use any download tool like wget or curl, the image downloaded is corrupt and failed to pass the image test by our classify server. Let me know if you are aware of such issues from your image server. Tue 5:02 23/5/17