Rapid account: Ujeebu

Ujeebu / lexper


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Hello The issue has been addressed. Please let us know if you encounter further problems. Regards, 수 1:40 26/4/23
Hello The issue has been addressed. Please let us know if you encounter further problems. Regards, 수 1:40 26/4/23
Hello The issue has been addressed. Please let us know if you encounter further problems. Regards, 수 1:40 26/4/23
Hello We fixed this a while ago and let you know via our community site: https://ujeebu.com/community/d/38-extract-incomplete-content-of-the-page Please let us know if any further issues. Regards, 수 12:21 29/3/23
Hi Ethan The URL you are referencing returns a 400 error because our scraper was blocked by the server(s) that hosts the URL. Despite our best efforts using our rotation data center proxies, some sites refuse to serve us content. That being said, we were able to process the URL when we used our premium (residential) proxy. Chances are the other 400s you mentioned are obtained for the same reason. The premium proxy option is unfortunately not available through RapidAPI because their billing system doesn't lend itself well to option based billing, but it's available if you use the API directly on our API platform at ujeebu.com/signup. You can test it yourself there using our query builder since we offer 5000 free credits upon sign up. If all is working to your liking there, we will process a refund for you here in on RapidAPI, then you can upgrade to the plan of your choice on ujeebu.com. Hope this helps. Please let us know if any questions/concerns. Regards, 수 12:19 29/3/23
Hello We fixed this a while ago and let you know via our community site: https://ujeebu.com/community/d/38-extract-incomplete-content-of-the-page Please let us know if any further issues. Regards, 수 12:21 29/3/23