GeoDB Cities

Par Michael Mogley | Mise à jour il y a 16 jours | Data

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Cities search namePrefix

Rapid account: Estecargo
il y a 3 ans


When we search the cities with the “namePrefix” parameter search if the city starts with this string, Is there a way to search anywhere in the city name?

We have some problems, because for example, if we search “Donostia” for the city “San Sebastian - Donostia” we receive 0 results.

Thanks in advance

Rapid account: Brunolopesbrandao
brunolopesbrandao Commented il y a 2 ans

Hi everyone,

When I try to search a city with namePrefix the endpoint search across region field and not in name or city field.

Please try namePrefix=São P and language=pt


Rapid account: Wirefreethought
wirefreethought Commented il y a 3 ans

My pleasure! Thanks for helping improve the api

Rapid account: Estecargo
estecargo Commented il y a 3 ans

Works fine! Great work, thanks a lot

Rapid account: Wirefreethought
wirefreethought Commented il y a 3 ans

Try again

Rapid account: Wirefreethought
wirefreethought Commented il y a 3 ans

Ah yes, because it only considers word boundaries to be spaces. I could update it to include dashes. That should fix this.

To get regional cities, you need to use a slightly different endpoint:

GET /v1/geo/countries/{countryID}/regions/{regionId}/cities

See the full REST API docs for details on the endpoints and available params.

Rapid account: Estecargo
estecargo Commented il y a 3 ans

Sorry, we are trying some examples for the city Donostia-San Sebastián and we have this issue:

If we type “Sebas” it return in the list Donostia-San Sebastián.
If we type “San Sebas” it doenst return it.

Other question, can we filter the cities by region id?

Thanks in advance.

Rapid account: Estecargo
estecargo Commented il y a 3 ans


Wow, now works fine!

Thank you for the quickness 😉

Rapid account: Wirefreethought
wirefreethought Commented il y a 3 ans

I just updated the logic to have the namePrefix value start matching at the beginning of every word in the name. Try it out.

Rapid account: Wirefreethought
wirefreethought Commented il y a 3 ans

Hi. Yes this is something I’ve been thinking about recently in fact. One solution could be to modify the namePrefix logic to start matching on the prefix at different words in the overall name, but this might be confusing in terms of the param name. Another would be to introduce a nameSearch param. I’ll think about this and get back to you.

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