IMDb top 100 movies

Par API Solutions | Mise à jour месяц назад | Movies

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How to use the response

To use the response from this API, you can access an array of movie objects. Each object has the following properties:

id* (string): The ID of the movie, ranging from ‘top1’ to ‘top100’.
description (string): A brief description of the movie’s plot.
director (array of strings): The names of the movie’s directors.
genre (array of strings): The genres of the movie.
image (array of arrays): An array of images for the movie, with each inner array containing two elements: the image width in pixels (as a string) and the URL to the image.
imdbid (string): The movie’s IMDb ID.
rank (number): The movie’s ranking in the top 100.
rating (string): The movie’s IMDb rating.
title (string): The movie’s title.
writers (array of strings): The names of the movie’s writers.
year (number): The year the movie was released.