Yawin Calculator

Par Yawin Tutor | Mise à jour 2 mesi fa | Finance

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Authentication Error

Rapid account: Master Code Killr
2 anni fa

I have been trying to call this api using Http Client in C# and everytime I run it I get error 407 Authentication required I used the code snippet provided so what can I do to resolve this issue?

Rapid account: Yawintutor Kii M 8 KV 90 R
yawintutor-KiiM8KV90r Commented 2 anni fa

use shell->cURL to test the api in command line / terminal.
build the api call as per the language you use.

curl --request POST
–url https://yawin-calculator.p.rapidapi.com/fdcalculator
–header ‘X-RapidAPI-Host: yawin-calculator.p.rapidapi.com
–header ‘X-RapidAPI-Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’
–header ‘content-type: application/json’
–data ‘{
“amount”: “100000”,
“interest”: “10”,
“duration”: 60,
“compoundPeriod”: 3,
“tax”: 30,
“inflation”: 5,
“firstMonth”: “2021-Jan”,
“paginationPageNumber”: “1”,
“paginationPageSize”: “12”,
“ignoreSchedule”: false

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