Google Translate

By Google Cloud | Updated il y a 15 jours | Text Analysis

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Having a 400 error status using google translate and axios (post method)

Rapid account: Kizito 917
il y a 4 ans

I am trying to post a word to get its translated version but i keep getting a 400 error and when i try same code here on test endpoint button, it works perfectly, what might be the reason for the 400 error

Rapid account: Kizito 917
kizito917 Commented il y a 4 ans

I was able to fix the issue using request

var request = require(โ€˜requestโ€™);

use this to make request to the API , axios has some issues with making request to this API

Rapid account: Jamesabrannan
jamesabrannan Commented il y a 4 ans

Not working. Receiving this in postman, where obviously I xxxx out my key. In fact, none of the endpoints are working as of 11:42 EST.

Error: incorrect header check
Warning: This request did not get sent completely and might not have all the required system headers
Request Headers
X-RapidAPI-Key: xxxxxxxxxxx
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.24.1
Accept: /
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 90b5775a-a5fb-468e-8abd-b6e89a4c00d7
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive

Rapid account: Googlecloud
googlecloud Commented il y a 4 ans

Hey kizito917, it looks like thereโ€™s an issue with how the axios code snippet is being generated. If you alter that snippet to send the data as URL encoded parameters as expected, it will work through axios! Iโ€™ll reach out to RapidAPI to investigate why this is happening.

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