Universal Inspirational Quotes

על ידי HealThruWords | מְעוּדכָּן vor 13 Tagen | Other

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Health Check


חזרה לכל הדיונים

doesnt work

Rapid account: Craigbroadbear
vor 9 Jahren

does not return image nor link to one

Rapid account: Heal Thru Words
HealThruWords Commented vor 9 Jahren

Is it working for you or you need more help?

Rapid account: Heal Thru Words
HealThruWords Commented vor 9 Jahren

Yes I corrected the example as it was not clear enough, it should be better, now.

If you want a specific size: curl --get --include “https://healthruwords.p.mashape.com/v1/quotes/?size=medium” -H “X-Mashape-Key: uZTmTK08agmshGTA9ey4J5rKvJJep1Hnot5jsnfsX8AII2dcjV”

Please refer to documentation for the different parameters.

Rapid account: Craigbroadbear
craigbroadbear Commented vor 9 Jahren

Thanks for that.
My example came direct from the mashape api page for HealThruWords, so you might want to look into that.

How do I change the resulting image size?

Rapid account: Heal Thru Words
HealThruWords Commented vor 9 Jahren

Following the documentation, the correct query could be

Make sense?

Rapid account: Craigbroadbear
craigbroadbear Commented vor 9 Jahren

Here is my curl example, including response:

C:\tmp>curl --get --include “https://healthruwords.p.mashape.com/v1/quotes/?id=123&maxR=1&size=medium&t=Wisdom” -H “X-Mashape-Key:
uZTmTK08agmshGTA9ey4J5rKvJJep1Hnot5jsnfsX8AII2dcjV” -H "Accept: application/json"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 10:29:53 GMT
Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Server: Mashape/5.0.6
X-RateLimit-requests-Limit: 30000
X-RateLimit-requests-Remaining: 29994
Content-Length: 105
Connection: keep-alive

{“media”:“http://media.healthruwords.com/media/wp-content/uploads///",“cat”:"Motivational Quote”}

As you can see, no image or quote is returned.

Rapid account: Heal Thru Words
HealThruWords Commented vor 9 Jahren

Thank for using our API. Can you be more specific? We just tested it and it is working.

What is the query you sent?

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