
על ידי Hotciti | מְעוּדכָּן 9日前 | Data
Health Check


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Rapid account: Hotciti
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דירוג: 5 - הצבעות: 1

תקרא אותי

Data Points Included:
ID Database Key field
City City name, example "Boston"
City_Slug City name small characters, example "boston"
State_Abbreviated State abbreviation, example "MA"
State Full state name, example "Massachusetts"
City_State_Combined City & State combined, for example "Boston Massachusetts"
County Group of towns, example “Worcester” county
Region Area of the country, example: "North East"
Latitude Locational latitude of a city
Longitude Location Longitude of a city
Nearest_Major_City The nearest major city (more than 100k residents) to a given town
Zip_Code Zipcode
Population Number of residents in a city
Pop__Density Number of residents per square mile
Pop__Change Annual percentage of population increase, decrease
Median_Age Average age of residents in a particular city
Households The number of homes in a particular city
Household_Size The average number of residents in a home, per city
Male_Population The number of male residents in a city
Female_Population The number of female residents in a city
Married_Population Percentage of the population that is married
Single_Population Percentage of the population that is not married
Air_Quality The quality of the air in a particular city
Water_Quality_Score The quality of the water in a particular city
Physicians_per_100k Number of doctors per 100k residents
Unemployment_Rate The average unemployment rate in a particular city
Recent_Job_Growth The percentage of added jobs in a particular city
Future_Job_Growth Projections for future jobs in a particular city
Sales_Taxes The sales tax rate in a particular city (Percentage)
Income_Taxes The income tax rate in a particular city (Percentage)
Income_per_Cap_ amount of money earned per person in a particular city
Household_Income amount of money earned per household in a particular city
Income_Less_Than_15K Percentage of Homes with an income less than 15,000
Income_between_15K_and_25K Percentage of Homes with an income between 15,000 and 25,000
Income_between_25K_and_35K Percentage of Homes with an income between 25,000 and 35,000
Income_between_35K_and_50K Percentage of Homes with an income between 35,000 and 50,000
Income_between_50K_and_75K Percentage of Homes with an income between 50,000 and 75,000
Income_between_75K_and_100K Percentage of Homes with an income between 75,000 and 100,000
Income_between_100K_and_150K Percentage of Homes with an income between 100,000 and 150,000
Income_between_150K_and_250K Percentage of Homes with an income between 150,000 and 250,000
Income_between_250K_and_500K Percentage of Homes with an income between 250,000 and 500,000
Income_greater_than_500K Percentage of Homes with an income greater than 500,000
Management_Business_and_Financia Percentage of residents who work in business and financial
Professional_and_Related_Occupat Percentage of residents who work professional or related fields
Sales_and_Office Percentage of residents who work in sales or inner office
Service Percentage of residents who work in service positions
Farming_Fishing_and_Forestry Percentage of residents who work in fishing, farming or forestry
Construction_Extraction_and_Main Percentage of residents working construction or related fields
Production_Transportation_and_Ma Percentage of residents working in production, transportation and related fields
Median_Home_Age Median age of homes in a particular city
Median_Home_Cost Median home cost in a particular city
Home_Appreciation The increase of a home’s value over time in a particular city (Percentage)
Homes_Owned the percentage of private homes in a particular city
Housing_Vacant The percentage of vacant homes in a particular city
Homes_Rented The percentage of rented homes in a particular city
Property_Tax_Rate The property tax rate in a particular city (Percentage)
Less_Than_20000 Percentage of homes valued less than 200,000
a20000_to_39999 Percentage of homes valued between
a40000_to_59999 Percentage of homes valued between
a60000_to_79999 Percentage of homes valued between
a80000_to_99999 Percentage of homes valued between
a100000_to_149999 Percentage of homes valued between
a150000_to_199999 Percentage of homes valued between
a200000_to_299999 Percentage of homes valued between
a300000_to_399999 Percentage of homes valued between
a400000_to_499999 Percentage of homes valued between
a500000_to_749999 Percentage of homes valued between
a1000000_or_more Percentage of homes valued between
a1999_to_October_2005 Percentage of homes built between 1999 and 2005
a1995_to_1998 Percentage of homes built between 1995 and 1998
a1990_to_1994 Percentage of homes built between 1990-1994
a1980_to_1989 Percentage of homes built between 1980-1989
a1970_to_1979 Percentage of homes built between 1970-1979
a1960_to_1969 Percentage of homes built between 1960-1969
a1950_to_1959 Percentage of homes built between 1950-1959
a1940_to_1949 Percentage of homes built between 1940-1949
a1939_or_Earlier Percentage of homes built in 1939 or earlier
Violent_Crime Violent crime score (lower is better)
Property_Crime Property crime score (lower is better)
Rainfall_in_ Annual rainfall in inches
Snowfall_in_ Annual snowfall in inches
Precipitation_Days Combined days of rain or snow annually
Sunny_Days Number of sunny days annually
Avg__July_High Avg. high temperature in July
Avg__Jan__Low Avg. low teperature in January
Comfort_Index_higherbetter Environmental suitability score (17 - 97 higher is better)
UV_Index Ultraviolet index measures sunburn producing radiation (range 5-68)
Elevation_ft_ Overall elevation in a particular city (measured in feet)
School_Annual_Spend_Per Student The average amount spent on a single student in a particular city
Student__Teacher_Ratio the number of students per teacher in a particular city
Students_per_Librarian The number of students per librarians in a particular city
Students_per_Counselor The number of students per counselors in a particular city
a2_yr_College_Grad_ the percentage of residents with a 2 yr college degree
a4_yr_College_Grad_ the percentage of residents with a 4 yr college degree
Graduate_Degrees the percentage of residents with a graduate degree
High_School_Grads_ the percentage of residents with H.S. diploma
Mass_Transit the percentage of residents who commute via mass transit
Auto_alone the percentage of residents who commute via automobile
Commute_Time the average commute time to work for a particular city
Carpool the percentage of residents who carpool to work in a particular city
Work_at_Home The percentage of residents who work from home in a particular city
Commute_Less_Than_15_min_ The percentage of residents who have a commute time of less than 15 minutes
Commute_15_to_29_min_ The percentage of residents who have a commute time of 15 - 29 minutes
Commute_30_to_44_min_ The percentage of residents who have a commute time of 30-44 minutes
Commute_45_to_59_min_ The percentage of residents who have a commute time of 45 to 59 minutes
Commute_greater_than_60_min_ the percentage of residents with a commute time of greater than 60 minutes
Overall_Cost_Of_Living The overall cost of living score (avg. score is 100, over 100 is more expensive)
Food Score the cost of buying food in a particular city (avg. score is 100)
Utilities Score the cost of utilities in a particular city (avg. score is 100)
Miscellaneous Avg. Cost of miscellaneous items in a particular city (avg. score is 100)
Percent_Religious Percentage of residents who claim religious affiliation
Catholic Percentage of residents that identify as Catholic
Protestant Percentage of residents that identify as Protestant
LDS Percentage of residents that identify as LDS
Episcopalian Percentage of residents that identify as Episcopal
Baptist Percentage of residents that identify as Baptist
Pentecostal Percentage of residents that identify as Pentecostal
Lutheran Percentage of residents that identify as Lutheran
Methodist Percentage of residents that identify as Methodist
Presbyterian Percentage of residents that identify as Presbyterian
Other_ Percentage of residents that identify as other
Christian Percentage of residents that identify as Christian
Jewish Percentage of residents that identify as Jewish
Islam Percentage of residents that identify as Islam
Democrat Percentage of residents registered Independent or Other
Republican Percentage of residents registered Democrat
Independent_Other Percentage of residents registered Republican
Picture_Links URL Link to a Picture of a particular city
City_Link URL to local city website
Video_Links URL to a Youtube Video of a particular city