Botometer Pro

על ידי Observatory on Social Media | מְעוּדכָּן hace 2 días | Social

9.4 / 10



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Twitter API v1.1 going away

Rapid account: Mboom
hace un año

Botometer uses Twitter v1.1 objects as input. Twitter announced that v1.1 is going away. Do you have any plans to support paid Botometer with Twitter v2 objects? Can you update your examples to show what that should look like?

Rapid account: Huojiecs
huojiecs Commented hace 7 meses
Rapid account: O So Me
OSoMe Commented hace un año

We have sent an annoucement regarding the future of the project to the API users, please check your inbox.

Rapid account: Ekremmetehantan
ekremmetehantan Commented hace un año

How will twitter api subscribers continue to use botometer? Where will we add our secret keys? Can you please update the examples?

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