Skin analyze Pro

על ידי AILabTools | מְעוּדכָּן il y a 13 jours | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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Example of parsing response

Rapid account: Solomomoadmin
il y a un an

Hi folks - is it possible to provide a python example of parsing the API response? My expectation was that I’d receive a multi-part form with some JSON data and at least one image. But the response type seems to be JSON - there’s other data there, clearly, though, I just can’t parse it 😃 Thanks.

Rapid account: Borihan
borihan Commented il y a 6 mois

hello I got error 422 sometime. what does it mean?

Rapid account: AI Lab Tools Group
AILabToolsGroup Commented il y a un an

Regarding the code example for python, I informed the technical department and I sent it to you via email when it was ready. If you read my message, please reply to it.

Rapid account: AI Lab Tools Group
AILabToolsGroup Commented il y a un an

Please note that the instructions I sent you are for our own developer platform, so the URL, Header and rapidsapi are different. But regarding Body and Response are the same.

Rapid account: AI Lab Tools Group
AILabToolsGroup Commented il y a un an

Hello this is the detailed description of the skin analysis pro API, the return field description is sent to your email address, please check it out.

Rapid account: AI Lab Tools Group
AILabToolsGroup Commented il y a un an

Hello, you can contact us by emailing

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