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retrieve lsit of logos

Rapid account: Scoutrul
5 वर्ष पहले

I’m making component for list of live matches using /fixtures/live endpoint.
For all teams I want retrieve logos, so I need to use /teams/team/{team_id} endpoint for every team.
If here is 10 live events It is 1 request for event list and 20 requests for logo retrievements. Do you have better way to resolve this problem and get logotypes by one request array of team_id’s. Do you have post methods?

Rapid account: Scoutrul
scoutrul Commented 5 वर्ष पहले

Or I just need unlimited plan.
By the way, many teams unfortunly have no logos.
This is the better way to get all information from your side I think. You have to worry better about all logos and flags.

Rapid account: Api Sports
api-sports Commented 5 वर्ष पहले

Hello, the team information (logos, flags etc…) are in another database, linking them together when recovering data will increase latency. What you can do is to save the team information on your side or as the team logos have the team ID as their name it is easy to retrieve them without using the “teams” endpoint

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