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Support for Multi-City Search

Rapid account: Exu 008
24 giorni fa

Hi. On Zillow.com users can enter multiple cities (e.g. “Millburn, NJ”, “Livingston, NJ”) and get a list of property results from a single search query. Is there a way to do this through the “/propertyExtendedSearch” or another endpoint?

Rapid account: Apimaker
apimaker Commented 19 giorni fa


Rapid account: Exu 008
exu008 Commented 19 giorni fa

Thanks for the update. We will test this new feature out next week and report back if we uncover any discrepencies.

Rapid account: Apimaker
apimaker Commented 20 giorni fa

I have added.
Separate location by ;
I tested on zip codes

The maximum number of locations is 5

Rapid account: Exu 008
exu008 Commented 20 giorni fa

That would be great! Thank you for being so responsive.

Rapid account: Apimaker
apimaker Commented 21 giorni fa

I will add it in the next few days.

Rapid account: Exu 008
exu008 Commented 21 giorni fa

Our service tracks property listings at the County level (e.g. “Bergen County, NJ”). However, in cases where a single county encompasses a large number of municipalities, we would like to target a subset of towns within that county. Ideally this can be accomplished by making a single “Search” API call, instead of one call for each town.

Rapid account: Apimaker
apimaker Commented 23 giorni fa

We have a question. Why do you need Multi-City search?

Rapid account: Exu 008
exu008 Commented 24 giorni fa

Thanks. We appreciate your team looking into this.

Rapid account: Apimaker
apimaker Commented 24 giorni fa


I will check if we can add it.

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