Language detection and identification

על ידי bestApi | מְעוּדכָּן 22 дня назад | Data
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Thanks for looking into our language detection api

when sending text for language detection you get back a result:

       language: "eng",
       isReliable: "true",
       confidence: "0.9979894639898946"
  • language = the language our algorithm detected the input text as
    our API currently support recognition in the following languages:
    afr, als, ara, azj, bak, bcl, bel, ben, bos, bre, bul, cat, ceb, ces, cmn, cym, dan, deu, ell, eng, epo, est, eus, fao, fas, fin, fra, glg, gom, gsw, guj, hat, heb, hif, hin, hrv, hun, hye, ido, ind, isl, ita, jav, jpn, kal, kat, kaz, kir, kor, kur, lat, lav, lim, lit, ltz, lus, mal, mkd, mlg, mlt, mon, mri, msa, nep, new, nld, nno, nob, nso, oci, pam, pol, por, pus, ron, sah, sin, slk, slv, sna, spa, srp, swa, swe, swh, tam, tat, tel, tgk, tgl, tha, tok, tur, ukr, urd, uzb, vie, vol, xho, zho, zul

  • isReliable = can you trust this result to be accurate (when confidence > 0.85)

  • confidence = range from 0-1 the higher the better!

עוקבים: 9
יוצר API:
היכנס כדי לדרג את ה- API
דירוג: 5 - הצבעות: 1