Football Betting Odds

על ידי betodds | מְעוּדכָּן 17 giorni fa | Sports

9.7 / 10



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odds explain

Rapid account: Cbr 1000 Rrvsgsx
un anno fa

Hello,can you explain what is 1-hcap-1–1,1-hcap-0–1,…

Rapid account: Kingemkurdam
kingemkurdam Commented 6 mesi fa

They are handicap odds.

hcap - ( Handicap Team ) - ( Handicap value )

hcap-1-–1 = Home Team Win , Handicap Value is -1
hcap-2-+1 = Away Team Win, Handicap Value is +1

hcap-0-+1 = Draw , Handicap Value is +1

I am sharing some php code to help you to understand calculation of the bet.

     // self::$bet can be like this : 1-hcap-1-+1
     // self::$result=['fthome'=>3,'ftaway'=>3]
     // function result should be true because we will add handicap value to home team goals.
     // and than score will be 4-3 
     function calculate_hcap(){
     preg_match('@1-hcap-(1|0|2)-((-|\+)\d)@', self::$bet, $s);
											if (count($s) != 4) {
													return false;
											$handicap = $s[1];
											$handicapValue = $s[2];

											if ($handicap == 1) {
													self::$result['fthome'] = self::$result['fthome'] + $handicapValue;
													if (self::$result['fthome'] > self::$result['ftaway']) {
															return true;

											if ($handicap == 0) {
													self::$result['fthome'] = self::$result['fthome'] + $handicapValue;

													if (self::$result['fthome'] == self::$result['ftaway']) {
															return true;

											if ($handicap == 2) {
													self::$result['ftaway'] = self::$result['ftaway'] + $handicapValue;
													if (self::$result['fthome'] < self::$result['ftaway']) {
															return true;

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