Bhagavad Gita

על ידי Bhagavad Gita | מְעוּדכָּן hace un mes | Education

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רמת שירות


Health Check


חזרה לכל הדיונים

AllVerses end point take too much time to response. It takes 20-30s. Please make it faster if it is possible

Rapid account: Keval 101
hace 2 años

I have implemented in my project all endpoints are works fine and give reponse in 4-5s but allVerses endpoint takes 20-30s. Please make its reponse in 4-5s if it possible

Rapid account: ODR 0 MUNA
ODR0MUNA Commented hace 4 meses

yes i am also get error

Rapid account: Sahilnagpal 97 U 2 V 7 Z 7 By MC
sahilnagpal97-U2V7z-7byMC Commented hace 2 años

hy i am getting 403 error on my server i already subscribed do you have any idea.?

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