Flightera Flight Data

על ידי flightera | מְעוּדכָּן 2 महीने पहले | Travel

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Endpoint Descriptions - Aircrafts

This tutorial gives an overview of endpoints related to aircrafts. To learn how to request data, please check out the introductory tutorial.

Aircraft Search Endpoint (/aircraft/search)

The aircraftSearch endpoint allows users to search for aircraft based on specific criteria such as airline ident, country, or model. This functionality is crucial for applications requiring a filtered list of aircraft, whether for tracking purposes, analytics, or data aggregation.

Request Parameters:
At least one of the following three fields must be provided. By providing more than one parameter, the search can be made more specific.

  • airlineident: The identifier of the airline. Useful for filtering aircraft operated by a specific airline.
  • country: Two-letter country code to filter aircraft by the country of registration.
  • model: Model ICAO code to filter aircraft by their specific model.

Response Fields:

List of aircraft registrations meeting the search criteria. The response can then be used with the /aircraft/info endpoint to request further information.

Use Case Example:
This endpoint is an ideal starting point to get a list of aircrafts that are then used with the /aircraft/info endpoint.

Aircraft Information Endpoint (/aircraft/info)

The aircraftInfo endpoint returns detailed information about a specific aircraft identified by its registration number. It provides extensive details crucial for understanding an aircraft’s specifications, operational history, and current status.

Request Parameters:

reg: Required. The registration number of the aircraft. This is the unique identifier used to retrieve detailed information. It can be obtained using the /aircraft/search endpoint.

Response Fields:

  • reg: Aircraft registration number.
  • airline: Identifier of the airline operating the aircraft. Can be used as an input to the /airline/info endpoint.
  • model: ICAO model code of the aircraft.
  • model_spec: Detailed specification of the model, where available.
  • manufacturer: The manufacturer of the aircraft.
  • first_flight: Date of the aircraft’s first flight.
  • last_flight: Date and time of the last flight
  • last_flight_number: Flight number of the last recorded flight of this aircraft.
  • is_cargo: Indicator if this is a cargo airplane.
  • seat_config: Detailed seating configuration, including class breakdown (if available).
  • engines: Information about the aircraft’s engines.
  • age: Age of the aircraft (calculated from the first flight date to current date).
  • msn: Manufacturer serial number.

Use Case Example:
This endpoint is typically used to get detailed information on aircraft, e.g. to further request airlines, calculate age or request last flight information.