Flightera Flight Data

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Endpoint Descriptions - Airlines

Exploring the airline-related endpoints within the Flightera Flight Data API provides a rich dataset for applications focused on airline information, performance statistics, and flight operations. To understand how requests are made, please refer to the introductory tutorial.

Airline Information Endpoint (/airline/info)

Returns detailed airline information for airlines identified by the provided identifiers. In most cases the list should contain only one entry.
However, due to the nature of the data, it is possible that multiple entries are returned.
If searched by ident, only one airline is returned.
One of ident, iata, icao, name must be provided.

Request Parameters:
At least one of the following parameters must be given:

  • ident: Unique identifier for the airline, depending on the airlines this is the IATA or ICAO code. It is the code returned by other endpoints, such as /aircraft/info.
  • iata: The IATA code of the airline, typically a 2-character code.
  • icao: The ICAO code of the airline, usually a 3-character code.
  • name: The full or partial name of the airline.

Response Fields:

  • name: The official name of the airline.
  • iata: IATA code.
  • icao: ICAO code.
  • ident: Unique airline identifier, to be used with other endpoints.
  • country: Country code for the airline.
  • name: Name of the airline
  • callsign: The callsign used in flight communication.
  • founding_date: When the airline was founded.
  • start_date: Start of operations for this airline.
  • end_date: If applicable, when the airline ceased operations.
  • website: Airline’s official website URL.
  • alliance: The global airline alliance the airline is part of, if any.

Use Case Example:
Typically used to request detailed airline information, especially with identifiers returned by /airline/search, /aircraft/search or flight endpoints.

Airline Search Endpoint (/airline/search)

Returns a list of airlines for a given country, identifiers or name search pattern. Multiple arguments can be specified to limit the search.
Either one of the arguments must be specified.

Request Parameters:

At least one of the following parameters must be given:

  • country: Two-letter country code to filter airlines by their base country.
  • iata: IATA code to search for specific airlines.
  • icao: ICAO code to search for specific airlines.
  • name: Name or part of the name of the airline for a broader search.

Response Fields:

A list of airlines, each containing:

  • ident: Unique identifier for the airline.
  • name: Name of the airline.
  • iata: IATA code.
  • icao: ICAO code.
  • country: Country of origin.

Use Case Example:
Useful for initial searches that are then refined using the /airline/info endpoint.

Airline Flights Endpoint (/airline/flights)

Returns a list of flights for an airline given a start time. The list is sorted ascending by scheduled departure time.
The next departure/ time is returned for pagination (use start times to paginate).
The dates returned for each flight represent the scheduled departure date in local time and can be used to query flight data via /flight/info.

Request Parameters:

  • ident: Required. The unique identifier of the airline.
  • time: Required. Timestamp in UTC to specify the starting point for the flight list.

Response Fields:

A list of flights with details such as:

  • flnr: Flight number. Can be used with the date field to request further details using /flight/info.
  • date: Scheduled departure date.
  • departure_ident: Code of the departure airport, can be used as input for the /airport/info endpoint.
  • arrival_ident: Code of the arrival airport, can be used as input for the /airport/info endpoint.

Use Case Example:
This endpoint is typically used to request a list of flights for an airline and then request further information on those flights using the /flight/info endpoint.

Airline Aircrafts Endpoint (/airline/aircrafts)

A list of plane registrations for a given airline. Can search by ident only.
Only returns currently active aircraft

Request Parameter:

ident: The unique identifier of the airline. A list of those can be requested via /airline/search or /airline/info.

Response Fields:

A list of aircraft registrations. Further details of those aircrafts can be obtained using the /aircraft/info endpoint.

Airline Statistics Endpoint (/airline/statistics)

Returns detailed airline statistics for airlines identified by the provided identifiers. In most cases the list should contain only one entry, unless the ident is ambiguous.
If searched by ident, only one airline is returned.
One of ident, iata, icao must be provided.
Statistics are calculated overnight and represent the current day’s data.

Request Parameter:
At least one of the following parameters must be given:

  • ident: Unique identifier for the airline, depending on the airlines this is the IATA or ICAO code. It is the code returned by other endpoints, such as /aircraft/info.
  • iata: The IATA code of the airline, typically a 2-character code.
  • icao: The ICAO code of the airline, usually a 3-character code.

Response Fields:

  • flights_7_days: Number of flights operated in the past 7 days.
  • flights_30_days: Number of flights operated in the past 30 days.
  • *delay_percentage_30_days: Percentage of flights delayed over the past 30 days.
  • *average_delay_30_days: Average delay time for delayed flights.
  • *cancel_percentage_30_days: Percentage of flights canceled over the past 30 days.
  • top_countries_30_days: Top countries served by the airline in terms of flight numbers.
  • top_airports_30_days: Top airports served by the airline in terms of flight numbers. Airport identifiers are returned, further airport details can be obtained using the /airport/info endpoint.
  • oldest_plane_age: Age of the oldest active plane in years.
  • newest_plane_age: Age of the newest active plane in years
  • average_plane_age: Average age of active planes.

Use Case Example:
Essential for performance benchmarking tools, airline comparison platforms, or market analysis reports focusing on airline operational efficiency.