whatsapp channel

על ידי inUtil Labs | מְעוּדכָּן 9일 전 | Social

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חזרה לכל ההדרכות (2)


  1. Will the followers of a channel see my phone number?, will I see my follower’s phones?.
    No, phone numbers are not shown on a channel. See details of their main features: https://faq.whatsapp.com/245599461477281

  1. Can the channel be banned or closed if I use this API to manage it?.
    If you want to avoid bans, or the channels to be closed, make sure you follow whatsapp’s T&C: https://faq.whatsapp.com/245599461477281

  1. Can I link more than one whatsapp account to the API backend?.
    Yes, there’s no limit to the number of lines you use. But only one line at a time can be enroled.

  1. I want to send private announcements, can I make a channel private or hidden?
    No, channels are open to public access by design. If you need to create announcements that are private and/or restricted, you should use a whatsapp group. You can test these APIs that allow the creation of whatsapp groups, and sending messages to them:

  1. Can I manage a channel with the “green tick” from this API?
    Yes, of course. You just need to add the number that will be enrolled in the dedicated instance provided by the API as an administrator of the channel.

  1. Can I test the API for free?
    Yes, of course. If you want to test the API, there’s a free plan with restricted access that requires approval. Request access by telling us about your use case, and we’ll be happy to let you try it