Exchange Rate API

על ידי JUHESTUDIO | מְעוּדכָּן 2 months ago | Finance

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A simple REST API which covers most of the world’s exchange rates and currancy conversion, it updates every few minutes and easy to use.

Services We Offer

  • Latest exchange rates:

    • Get the latest foreign exchange rates.The endpoints will return exchange rate data which updates every few minutes.
  • Currency conversion:

    • The endpoint is useful for applications where you just want to convert between two specific currencies. This will return by exchanging one type of currency for another.

Data Accuracy And Sources

We collect exchange rate data from multiple central banks and commercial sources, and then use our own algorithms to compute these different datasets. This process reduces the impact of incorrect outlier conversion rates provided by only one source.

Our exchange rates are categorized as indicative midpoint rates. These are accurate enough for tasks such as price estimation in eCommerce stores or statistics on dashboards. In the e-commerce example - our estimates differ slightly from the actual final rate paid by the user at the time of payment.

We do not provide bid/ask spread data, so our rates are not applicable to foreign exchange transactions or for processing cross-currency settlements.

We support only the currency codes in our currency list and we are keeping adding currency categories.

עוקבים: 8
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דירוג: 4.8 - הצבעות: 10