Large text to speech

על ידי k_1 | מְעוּדכָּן एक महीने पहले | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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example code does not work

Rapid account: Y M
एक वर्ष पहले

The code
does not work

output is:
aiting 15 seconds for the job to finish…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…
Waiting some more…

Rapid account: K 1
k_1 Commented एक वर्ष पहले
Waiting 15 seconds for the job to finish...
File saved to test-file.wav !
Or download here:

I am unable to replicate it.
Using the code example, after making the response, we can print it like this


Can you share what you get from it ? I sent you a private message.

Thank you,

Rapid account: K 1
k_1 Commented एक वर्ष पहले


you are right, there were issues with processing requests and we have recovered it. All request are now complete and API functioning again.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Rapid account: Jamesschorey
jamesschorey Commented एक वर्ष पहले

The API seems to be broken, perhaps as the previous user noted. These are the JSON responses I get back for a simple “Please say this” request…

{“id”: “id removed for privacy”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15, “text”: “Please say this”}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 13}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 11}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 9}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 7}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 4}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 2}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}
{“id”: “removed”, “status”: “processing”, “eta”: 15}

Note it’s nearly done (eta=2) and resets itself (eta=15). It never comes out of the eta=15. This code was working just fine a few days ago. HELP! I’m right in the middle of proof of concept demonstrations…

James Schorey

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