
על ידי Knowledgator | מְעוּדכָּן il y a un mois | Text Analysis

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אתר מוצר תנאי שימוש
יוצר API:
Rapid account: Knowledgator
היכנס כדי לדרג את ה- API
דירוג: 5 - הצבעות: 1

תקרא אותי

Web2Meaning is an API that efficiently scrapes information from given web pages.

It allows you to process any volume of websites quickly and to collect databases for further text-mining activities.

Key features

  • Data extraction: extracts text, images, videos, links, files, metadata;

  • Text cleaning: cleaning text from HTML tags, and irrelevant content such as ads;

  • Extracts dynamic content: retrieve data from web pages with content that dynamically loads and renders through JavaScript;

  • Entities extraction: extracts key entities from a text(products, technologies, brands, etc.)

  • Text classification: classifies a page’s textual content, enhancing understanding and categorization;

  • Domain classification: categorize a website’s main page based on its overarching topic;

  • Article determination: determines whether a specific page qualifies as an article;

  • Hyperlinks extraction: extracts hyperlinks from the page and tagging them in the extracted text;

Explore additional capabilities in the documentation.

Use cases

  1. Website Analysis: understand a company’s competitive presence, examining the content, structure, and features.
  2. Content Aggregation: gather extensive databases across the Internet based on a particular topic.
  3. Training Data Collection: collect web content to create datasets for AI models.

Get started

  1. Documentation: learn how to efficiently start using Web2Meaning capabilities.
  2. Examples: explore real-world application and code snippets demonstrating how to use our API effectively.
  3. Free trial: start by signing up for a free trial to get immediate access to all the features and capabilities of Web2Meaning API.
  4. Explore our NLP solutions: benefit from your scraped data with a comprehensive set of text-mining solutions that can assist you in collecting high-quality structured databases.

Check our other APIs

  • Comprehend-it - fast zero-shot text classification service to categorize texts at a scale;
  • Text2Table - extract any table from the text just putting column names and text itself;
  • Zero-shot NER - multi-domain NER system to recognize and classify any entities according to your custom classification;


  1. Documentation: for in-depth information on our API, its functionalities, and integration guidelines, please refer to our extensive documentation.
  2. Discord: encounter an issue or have a question? Join our Discord channel for rapid assistance and to engage with our community and support team.
  3. Email: feel more comfortable communicating via email? Reach out to us at info@knowledgator.com, and we’ll be happy to help with any queries you might have.
  4. Our website