Article Data Extraction and Text Mining

על ידי Ujeebu | מְעוּדכָּן 2 months ago | Media

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Unable to extract hackernoon articles

Rapid account: Vikasr 111
a year ago


I am using Ujeebu extract API in my application. I am noticing that it’s not able to extract hackernoon articles properly.

Here’s an example of article:

Rapid account: Darlenerandall 166
darlenerandall166 Commented 2 months ago

I have become aware of a number of reports of individuals losing money to investment frauds. These scams have also made me a victim. My Bitcoin losses exceeded 150,000 euros last year. Seeking to work with people, I sought around, but unfortunately, I was also tricked. Prior to my discovery of DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY, this continued for a few months. A tragedy as heartbreaking as losing Bitcoins can happen in our increasingly digital society, where the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Envision years of financial commitments, aspirations, and goals that suddenly disappear. Prior to hopelessness setting in, however, businesses such as  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY   surface, offering to act as your virtual Houdini, recovering items that were believed gone for good. The innovative digital money, bitcoin, has experienced an incredible journey. Although its value has skyrocketed and attracted millions, its decentralized structure also presents unique challenges. In contrast to conventional bank accounts, lost Bitcoins cannot be recovered by a central authority. In the aforementioned situation,  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY might be useful. I can say again that they are equipped with the know-how and means to search the dark web for your lost Bitcoins. Customers who have been reunited with their digital money are portrayed on their website as success stories. Data recovery firms like  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  may provide hope,  the hope, considering how distressing losing Bitcoin may be. Nevertheless, proceed with extra care. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, make sure you are aware of the wizards, and complete your homework. Do not forget that cure is never better than prevention. Secure your Bitcoins first by putting robust security measures in place.  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  is a digital magic wand that specializes in retrieving lost or unreachable bitcoins. By applying their expertise and cutting-edge tools, they want to make the seemingly unachievable feasible. Your bitcoins are in good hands since the  DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  team is made up of seasoned experts who bring a wealth of expertise and knowledge to the subject of digital currency recovery. The loss of something significant in the digital sphere feels like a contemporary tragedy because the boundaries between the actual and virtual worlds are becoming increasingly hazy. Imagine misplacing the key to your life savings—not a tangible item, but rather a convoluted code that represents your bitcoins.This is the terrible reality that many people must deal with,but organizations like DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY  provide a ray of hope by helping people reclaim things that were previously believed to be gone forever. As quickly as possible, give this professional team an opportunity to retrieve back what you  lost.  Email: digitalhackrecovery (@) techie ( . ) com, or  kindly reach them via telegram : (digitalhackrecovery),  For quick and fast communication⁚ Whatsapp⁚ + 1 (201) 887 1705

Rapid account: Alexanderdylans 436
alexanderdylans436 Commented 2 months ago

I’m not the only one singing the praises of Spyware Cyber . Testimonials from satisfied clients speak volumes about the exceptional service and results delivered by these digital wizards. If you ever find yourself in a Bitcoin bind, trust me, Spyware Cyber is the beacon of hope you need in the murky waters of cyberspace. When it comes to recovering lost Bitcoin, it’s not all magic spells and wizardry. Expert recovery services like Spyware Cyber often rely on the power of data analysis and forensic investigation to track down missing cryptocurrencies. By digging into transaction histories, wallet addresses, and other digital breadcrumbs, these professionals can uncover clues that lead to the recovery of lost Bitcoin. In the world of cryptocurrency, the blockchain is like a digital paper trail that records every transaction ever made. Recovery specialists at Wizard Web Recovery harness the power of blockchain tracking to trace the movement of lost Bitcoin. By dissecting the blockchain data and employing sophisticated recovery methods, they can follow the virtual money trail and bring back those elusive Bitcoins to their rightful owners. To prevent the heart-wrenching experience of losing your Bitcoin, it’s crucial to secure your digital wallet with best practices. This includes using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and storing backups in secure locations. By taking proactive steps to protect your Bitcoin wallet, you can significantly reduce the risk of loss or theft. In the volatile world of cryptocurrency, risks are as common as memes on Reddit. To safeguard your investments, consider implementing risk mitigation strategies such as diversifying your holdings and setting up contingency plans in case of emergencies. Having backup plans in place can provide peace of mind and ensure that you’re prepared for any crypto curveballs that come your way. In the wild west of the cryptocurrency world, lost Bitcoin can feel like a modern-day treasure hunt. Recovery services like Spyware Cyber play a crucial role in navigating the digital wilderness and helping crypto enthusiasts reclaim their lost fortunes. By combining cutting-edge techniques with a sprinkle of magic, these experts showcase the value of their skills in recovering valuable assets in the cryptoverse. So, if you find yourself in a Bitcoin bind, remember that expert help is just a wand wave away. You can also bear witness of my testimony, reach Spyware Cyber via:
Telegram:Spyware Cyber
Whatsapp +1 878 271-4102

Rapid account: Jonathadave 177
jonathadave177 Commented 2 months ago


Happy day to you all. Using this wonderful platform, I want to notify the public about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY. A few months ago, I was looking for an online Bitcoin scheme for investment when I fell victim to a $213,000 fraud. Until I saw a timeline about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY, I was at my lowest and had no idea what to do. I contacted them, and to my utter amazement, they were able to retrieve every penny that I had previously lost to scammers. It didn’t cost me anything to announce a good and trustworthy hacker as WIZARD WILLIAMS, which is why I’m so happy to share this excellent news with you all.Contact them if you need any crypto recovery assistance, through email ( or WhatsApp:+4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.

Rapid account: Jonathadave 177
jonathadave177 Commented 2 months ago


Happy day to you all. Using this wonderful platform, I want to notify the public about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY. A few months ago, I was looking for an online Bitcoin scheme for investment when I fell victim to a $213,000 fraud. Until I saw a timeline about WIZARD WILLIAMS RECOVERY, I was at my lowest and had no idea what to do. I contacted them, and to my utter amazement, they were able to retrieve every penny that I had previously lost to scammers. It didn’t cost me anything to announce a good and trustworthy hacker as WIZARD WILLIAMS, which is why I’m so happy to share this excellent news with you all.Contact them if you need any crypto recovery assistance, through email ( or WhatsApp:+4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.

Rapid account: Guntherlaura 73
guntherlaura73 Commented 2 months ago

While no investment is entirely risk-free, there are several security measures you can take to minimize the risk of losing access to your BTC investment. Implementing strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and utilizing hardware wallets are all effective ways to enhance the security of your digital assets. Additionally, staying informed about the latest security threats and regularly updating your software can help protect your investment from potential vulnerabilities. ARGONIX HACK TECH is a specialized service that offers professional assistance in recovering inaccessible cryptocurrency assets. Their team of experts leverages their deep knowledge of blockchain technology and recovery techniques to help individuals regain access to lost or locked accounts. Through an assessment of the situation and utilization of various recovery methods, ARGONIX HACK TECH aims to provide successful outcomes in retrieving inaccessible BTC amounts. The journey of retrieving my inaccessible BTC investment was not just about the money. It was an emotional rollercoaster that shook my trust in digital investments. However, with each step towards recovery, I regained a sense of confidence and trust in the cryptocurrency world. It taught me the importance of staying resilient, even in the face of adversity, and proved that there are solutions out there to help us overcome our challenges. While this experience was a test of my resilience, it has not deterred me from future BTC investments. Staying informed about the latest security practices and updates is vital in this ever-changing digital landscape. Regularly updating my software, including antivirus programs and wallet applications, ensures that I am protected against the most recent threats. Additionally, staying informed about potential risks and scams helps me make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. Instead, it has encouraged me to approach them with a more cautious and informed mindset. By implementing the lessons I’ve learned and embracing the best security practices, I feel confident in rebuilding my trust and making wise investment decisions. After all, the potential rewards of the cryptocurrency market are still worth exploring, as long as we remain vigilant and protect our digital assets. Keeping your cool and taking quick action is critical if you can’t access your Bitcoin investment. Make sure there are no errors by first verifying your login credentials twice. Get in touch with the customer service of the cryptocurrency platform you invested in if you are still unable to access it. It would help if you also thought about contacting expert recovery services like ARGONIX HACK TECH which help people recover cryptocurrency holdings that are no longer accessible.

WhatsApp: +1 (206) 234‑9907‬ & Email: Argonixhacktech(@)job4u. com & Homepage:

Rapid account: Hernandezmerlin 652
hernandezmerlin652 Commented 2 months ago

Two weeks ago, I found myself entangled in a complicated situation that started with a seemingly enticing Facebook post about investing with an FX Trader. The user claimed to have invested $8,000 and received back tenfold within just three days. Intrigued by the promise of significant returns, I decided to give it a shot, thinking it was an offer too good to refuse. However, as the days unfolded, what initially appeared as a lucrative opportunity turned into a financial nightmare. Over a month, I ended up paying over $15,000 to this FX Trader. Each attempt to withdraw my funds was met with additional requests for payment, citing various reasons. I found myself trapped in a cycle where they demanded more money under the guise of unlocking my profits and insisted on referrals before allowing any withdrawals. Feeling exhausted and frustrated, I decided to voice my concerns in a group, hoping for some guidance. Fortunately, a user in the group introduced me to a crypto recovery expert known as Spyware Cyber. Skeptical but desperate for a solution, I decided to reach out to them.Apone contacting Spyware Cyber  they requested my transaction history and details. Within a remarkably short span of seven hours, they asked for my wallet address and astonishingly sent me a substantial sum of $20,000. The relief I felt at that moment was indescribable, and I couldn’t thank them enough for their swift and effective intervention. The scam unfolded as a series of deceptive tactics employed by the FX Trader on Facebook. The promise of high returns lured me in, and the subsequent demands for additional payments created a financial entanglement. It wasn’t until a fellow user in a group recommended  Spyware Cyber that I had hope of retrieving my lost funds. For anyone finding themselves in a similar situation of financial deception and loss due to online scams, Spyware Cyber proves to be a reliable ally. Their expertise in recovering funds from fraudulent schemes, coupled with their swift response, can be a shoulder to lean for those seeking restitution. My personal experience stands as a testament to the effectiveness of ethical hackers in navigating the complexities of digital scams and providing a pathway to financial recovery. I’d recommend  Spyware Cyber if you might as well fall into the arms of these scammers. Reach  Spyware Cyber on Email: spywarecyber (@) cybergal (.) com 
Telegram: (spywarecyber) Check out their Web site via:

Rapid account: Patriciatyler 217
patriciatyler217 Commented 2 months ago


My Bitcoin wallet was hacked by fraudulent blockchain impersonators on Instagram who claimed to be from Blockchain. I was deceived into believing they were from Blockchain and gave them access to my wallet, stealing a total of 7.6859 BTC. It was all I had left in finances, so I was stunned and on the verge of unconsciousness. After that, I did my research online and discovered a post review about Wizard Williams Recovery specialist. I explained my loss in a direct message to the specialist. So, in just two days, he assisted me in getting my bitcoin back. His knowledge enabled me to identify the offenders and assisted me in launching the rehabilitation scheme. and because of his knowledge, the perpetrators were also identified. I hope that I was also able to assist someone. Get in contact with Wizard Williams Recovery Specialist if you want to get your money back from any online scam.

Email: or via;
Whatsapp: +4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.

Rapid account: Patriciatyler 217
patriciatyler217 Commented 2 months ago


My Bitcoin wallet was hacked by fraudulent blockchain impersonators on Instagram who claimed to be from Blockchain. I was deceived into believing they were from Blockchain and gave them access to my wallet, stealing a total of 7.6859 BTC. It was all I had left in finances, so I was stunned and on the verge of unconsciousness. After that, I did my research online and discovered a post review about Wizard Williams Recovery specialist. I explained my loss in a direct message to the specialist. So, in just two days, he assisted me in getting my bitcoin back. His knowledge enabled me to identify the offenders and assisted me in launching the rehabilitation scheme. and because of his knowledge, the perpetrators were also identified. I hope that I was also able to assist someone. Get in contact with Wizard Williams Recovery Specialist if you want to get your money back from any online scam.

Email: or via;
Whatsapp: +4,9,1,7,6,1,2,4,5,2,0,6,6.

Rapid account: Larajasmine 932
larajasmine932 Commented 2 months ago

How to recover Crypto/Bitcoin sent to Scammers / Find Captain WebGenesis.

Have you by any means invested your funds or bitcoins with an investment platform and later found out it’s a scam and you would like to trace back and recover your scammed Crypto?
Captain WebGenesis Recovery team is well equipped with Certified Bitcoin recovery experts and sophisticated tools which helps victims recover from; Investment scams / Bitcoin Scams.

Get in Touch with Captain WebGenesis through below;

website ;
Email ;
WhatsAp; +1(701)314-27-29.

Rapid account: Larajasmine 932
larajasmine932 Commented 2 months ago

How to recover Crypto/Bitcoin sent to Scammers / Find Captain WebGenesis.

Have you by any means invested your funds or bitcoins with an investment platform and later found out it’s a scam and you would like to trace back and recover your scammed Crypto?
Captain WebGenesis Recovery team is well equipped with Certified Bitcoin recovery experts and sophisticated tools which helps victims recover from; Investment scams / Bitcoin Scams.

Get in Touch with Captain WebGenesis through below;

website ;
Email ;
WhatsAp; +1(701)314-27-29.

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