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Dictionary API - Getting Started

Welcome to the Dictionary API, crafted by Page Scholar Inc, the developers of JSpell. This API provides an affordable, GPT4 powered and human curated service for developers, linguists, and educators in need of comprehensive word definitions, grammatical classifications, and contextual usage.

RapidAPI Integration

To utilize the Dictionary API, begin by registering on RapidAPI:

  1. RapidAPI Account Creation: Sign up at RapidAPI.
  2. API Subscription: Search for the “Dictionary API” and subscribe.
  3. API Key Acquisition: Secure your unique API key, necessary for making API requests.

API Implementation

Curl Command

Utilize Curl to request word definitions:

curl -X GET "https://dictionary133.p.rapidapi.com/define?word=example" -H "X-RapidAPI-Host: dictionary133.p.rapidapi.com" -H "X-RapidAPI-Key: YOUR_API_KEY"

Note: Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your assigned API key.

Python Snippet

Implement the API using Python with the requests module:

import requests

url = "https://dictionary133.p.rapidapi.com/define"
querystring = {"word":"example"}
headers = {
    "X-RapidAPI-Host": "dictionary133.p.rapidapi.com",
    "X-RapidAPI-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key.

Thank you!

Thank you for trying the Dictionary API. Page Scholar Inc. is dedicated to continuous enhancement and eagerly anticipates the innovative applications you’ll develop.

For inquiries on custom pricing and software development solutions please reach out to us at supportdesk@jspell.com.

Keep exploring. Keep innovating.

The API Team at Page Scholar Inc.

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אתר מוצר תנאי שימוש
יוצר API:
Rapid account: Page Scholar Inc
Page Scholar Inc
היכנס כדי לדרג את ה- API
דירוג: 5 - הצבעות: 1