Linkedin Data API

על ידי RockApis | מְעוּדכָּן 1日前 | Data

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profileURL is broken

Rapid account: Christianmclark 92

this value comes through as “” not the full URL.

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented 2ヶ月前

Hello christianmclark92. We made the update. These profiles are now excluded from the result.

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented 2ヶ月前

Sure. We will do it.

Rapid account: Ps 52 Cg Dqpc J
ps-52cgDqpcJ Commented 2ヶ月前

Some profiles are hidden by LinkedIn. That’s why you see it like this.

Can you exclude these profiles from output so API response will not contain them?

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented 2ヶ月前

Of course. Please take a look “Search Employees”. We will extend this endpoint to search also people.

Rapid account: Christianmclark 92
christianmclark92 Commented 2ヶ月前

So in the mean time, is there any way I can get these profile links on keyword search?

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented 2ヶ月前

Some profiles are hidden by LinkedIn. That’s why you see it like this.
We are working on a new endpoint which works on Sales Navigator. With this endpoint, you will be able to see all profiles.

Rapid account: Christianmclark 92
christianmclark92 Commented 2ヶ月前

Search People:

— This returns: “”

for all linkedin profiles that I’m attempting, such as the example suggests.

Rapid account: Therockapis
therockapis Commented 3ヶ月前

Hello. Could you tell me which endpoint you are using?

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