Recipe - Food - Nutrition

על ידי David | מְעוּדכָּן 24 days ago | Food

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API charges

Rapid account: Parynaz
7 years ago

Hi, I am just writing this in order to understand the API call pricing rather than complaining. I was charged 5.5 USD for going over the basic plan and from my usage I just don’t understand how that added up to that much. All I see is that I get 50 API calls a day and if I go over, each API call is less than a cent so I must be making a lot of API calls for it to add up to that much. I’m the only one using my account right now since I am in development mode so I just don’t feel like I called the API that many times, so perhaps there are other charges or another way to calculating them? I received an email warning me that I had reached 85% of my API calls for the month, which didn’t make sense since I thought the API calls were counted PER DAY? I am planning on upgrading to the other plan when I release my app, but I would like to fully understand how the charges came to be and how to check them before I do that. If you could also tell me cut off times etc that would be nice, because I noticed that a lot of my API calls count for the same day when it is actually the following day that I am working on it. Thanks!

Rapid account: Spoonacular
spoonacular Commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have heard the same issue with the email saying “monthly” when only daily limits are met from somebody else. I already contacted mashape about that as they handle quotas, billing, and those emails. I also do not know the cut off times, could you please contact mashape about that? One thing that could help you is to look in the quota response headers you get for each query. When you reach your quota you can let your app handle that and stop making requests.


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