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Even better json structure

Rapid account: Deckameron
8 वर्ष पहले

Hi folks,

Thank you for this awesome api!
I have a suggestion to make. What do you think about a json structure like this:
“nfinfo” : {
“imdbimage” : “/images/imdb/tt0323531.jpg”,
“name” : “Out for a Kill”,
“plot” : “In China, Robert Burns digs up a treasure trove of artifacts and discovers they’re the kind the Chinese mafia use to spirit drugs out of the country.”,
“audiences” : “General Audiences”,
“rating” : “3.2870402”,
“type” : “movie”,
“year” : “2003”,
“id” : “60029591”,
“runtime” : “1h30m”,
“boxart” : “
Instead of this:
“nfinfo”: [
“Out for a Kill”,
“In China, Robert Burns digs up a treasure trove of artifacts and discovers they’re the kind the Chinese mafia use to spirit drugs out of the country.”,
“General Audiences”,

I would make it so much easier to parse. 😃

Thanks again.

Rapid account: Deckameron
deckameron Commented 8 वर्ष पहले

I understand!
Thank you for the fast reply. 😉

Rapid account: Unogs
unogs Commented 8 वर्ष पहले

Originally the API was just built using the same backend as the website so it was not built with a public facing API in mind. Unfortunately now that it is up and i have quite a few active users, changing it would break a lot of peoples applications. I may build a new API in the future (unogs2 or something) which will be a lot more user friendly, but this will be down the road a bit.

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