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Trade Events
The Trade Events API provides data on events for U.S. businesses interested in selling their products and services overseas. These events include industry conferences, webinars, lectures, and trade missions organized by ITA and other trade agencies including: The U.S. Trade and Development Agency The Export-Import Bank The State Department The Small Business Administration.
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago
Tariff Rates
The Tariff Rates API provides data about each country with whom the United States has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). When the U.S. enters into an FTA with a foreign government, it negotiates lower tariff rates with that government for a wide variety of products. A tariff is a tax that a company must pay a foreign country when shipping a product to that country. Typically the FTA tariffs rates decline over several years.
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago
FAQs on Exporting
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) API includes more than 300 commonly asked questions about exporting. The answers provided are from government experts that specialize in unique aspects of trade.
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago
ITA Offices Centers
The ITA Offices & Centers API provides contact and address information for all of ITA’s domestic and international export assistance centers. There are almost 200 ITA centers worldwide whose locations are managed by ITA’s internal office management system.
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago
Trade Articles
The Trade News & Articles API provides in-depth news and articles written by Trade Specialists working in the Federal government. The authors include staff from ITA as well as other Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) agencies such as: Export-Import Bank Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) Small Business Administration (SBA)
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago
Market Research Library
The Market Research Library API provides metadata for country and industry reports that are produced by ITA’s trade experts and are available in ITA’s online market research library. ITA commercial officers that are stationed around the world, publish these authoritative reports in conjunction with Foreign Service officers from the State Department.
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago
Consolidated Screening List
The Consolidated Screening List API consolidates nine export screening lists of the Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury into a single data feed as an aide to industry in conducting electronic screens of potential parties to regulated transactions. In the event that a company, entity or person on the list appears to match a party potentially involved in an export transaction, additional due diligence should be conducted before proceeding. There may be a strict export prohibition, requirement for seeking a license application, evaluation of the end-use or user to ensure it does not result in an activity prohibited by any U.S. export regulations, or other restriction.
By DataServices
Updated 3 weeks ago