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Stock Analysis
Get company basic financials such as earnings, margin, P/E ratio, 52-week high/low, dividend information, etc. This API also returns analysts' earnings estimates, upgrades, and downgrades.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago
Global Flight Data
Get scheduled departing flights data by country and by week.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago
COVID-19 Economic Impact
Get a real-time picture of economic indicators such as employment rates, consumer spending, mobility data, small business data, and COVID-19 health information.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago
U.S. Economic Indicators
Get key economic indicators for the United States.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago
ESG Risk Ratings for Stocks
ESG Risk Ratings assess the degree to which a company's enterprise business value is at risk driven by environmental, social and governance issues. Rating companies along ESG dimensions allows socially conscious investors to screen potential investments to fit with their investment goals and values.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago
Stock Prices
Returns the adjusted open, high, low, and close price for a given symbol. Volume, dividend, and stock split information is also included for each symbol.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago
Financial Statements
Get standardized balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement for global companies going back 5 years.
By alphawave
Updated 1 week ago