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QR Code
Generate a QR code image in PNG format. You can choose your size and colors.
Updated 3 weeks ago
IP Blocklist
The IP Blocklist API will detect potentially malicious or dangerous IP addresses. This API is ideal for systems that need to either block, filter or flag certain types of Internet users or automated systems. We currently detect the following types of IPs: Web proxies, TOR nodes, VPN providers, Spyware and malware, Hijacked IPs, Web spiders, Bots and exploit scanners. These lists are updated on a daily basis.
Updated 3 weeks ago
A powerful unit conversion tool. Convert currency (using an up-to-date international currency feed). Convert most known measurement types: imperial, metric, mass, length, temperature, time (and more). The convertor will accept full unit names as well as abbreviations (e.g. millimeter and mm)
Updated 3 weeks ago
Bad Word Filter
Detect and censor bad words, swear words and profanity in a given text. Currently works with an English only database which includes "leetspeak".
Updated 3 weeks ago
Phone Validate
Parse, validate and get location information about a phone number. Use this API to validate local and international phone numbers. You can determine what kind of number this is (e.g. fixed line or mobile), the location of the number and also reformat the number into local and international dialing formats.
Updated 3 weeks ago
Email Validate
Parse, validate and clean an email address. This API performs the following functions: Syntax Checks - Check if the email address is RFC822 / RFC2822 compliant. DNS Checks - Check if the email address domain resolves correctly and has valid MX (mail exchanger) records. Typo Fixing - Fix common domain, TLD (top-level domain) and freemail email address typos. Freemail Check - Determine if the email address is a freemail registered email address (i.e. not a commercial address)
Updated 3 weeks ago
BIN Lookup
Perform a BIN (Bank Identification Number) or IIN (Issuer Identification Number) lookup. This API is ideal for fraud protection systems and payment analysis. Our BIN database is comprehensive and covers all countries, we update it on a regular basis as new cards are issued. This API also includes some extra fraud detection measures if a customer IP address is passed in. In this mode the API will also perform IP geolocation and IP blocklist lookups. Please Note: processing and transmitting BIN numbers is perfectly safe as long as no other card information is present, BIN numbers on there own pose no security risk to the card holder or merchant. To prevent abuse this API is restricted to a maximum of 5 API calls per day for Free API accounts.
Updated 3 weeks ago
IP Info
Get location information about an IP address. Depending on the specific IP address you can determine the country, region, city, longitude and latitude of the address. Our high quality database for geolocation data is being constantly updated as the internet address allocation changes (the database is usually updated at least once per month). This API can also be used to do reverse DNS (PTR) lookups.
Updated 3 weeks ago