AliExpress unofficial

על ידי Vladislav Lyshenko | מְעוּדכָּן hace 2 meses | Commerce

8.8 / 10



רמת שירות


Health Check


חזרה לכל הדיונים

Product API (by ID) returns INCORRECT prices from Aliexpress.

Rapid account: Dsds 2020
hace 3 años



id: 4000740455095

RETURNS INCORRECT PRICES (the real Aliexpress prices are much higher than those that I’m getting through the API).

Please fix this problem as it prevents me from working normally.

Rapid account: Dsds 2020
dsds2020 Commented hace 3 años

I think there is no need for creating this new field (flag) flagging products with a “new user bonus” - anyway, it’s not a solution to the issue… It would be best if you found some way for retrieving the correct price data from API. But If you can’t then I will just hope that there will be no too many products like this one on Aliexpress… Also, I hope that this “new-user-bonus” promotion is a temporary action on their side, and after some time this product returns to the normal state.

So, please, just check all the possibilities (if there are some) for filling the API with the correct prices for such a type of product. If there’s no possibility then there’s no choice for us and we will just hope that the issue will not become “widely spread” further.

Rapid account: Vladdnepr 1989
vladdnepr1989 Commented hace 3 años

Rapid account: Vladdnepr 1989
vladdnepr1989 Commented hace 3 años

Hi. I did investigate. Its Ali feature named as “New User Bonus”. I dont know how to disable this behaviour and get real prices. When “New User Bonus” enabled Ali return cheap prices without real prices.

I can add new field near prices with flag equals true, when Ali return not real prices. Do you need it?

Rapid account: Vladdnepr 1989
vladdnepr1989 Commented hace 3 años

Hi. Please get me little bit of time to investigate issue

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