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Editing a File to Add Html code

Rapid account: Sheminasalam 0 Ff P Pe B Ci GH
vor einem Monat
I am facing issues when trying to upload html code. The error mainly comes because of json formatting errors because of use of quotes. How can this be rectified.
Rapid account: Yashdoneria
yashdoneria Commented vor einem Monat

i just checked you passed a repository name that doens’t exist on your account to /editFile endpoint
their is no repo with this name on your account: mutual-fund-yesterday-analysismutual-fund-yesterday-analysis

Rapid account: Yashdoneria
yashdoneria Commented vor einem Monat

i can see that you received the following 500 error

<!doctype html> <html lang=en> <title>500 Internal Server Error</title> <h1>Internal Server Error</h1> <p>The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.</p>

To rectify the issue with uploading HTML code and the resulting JSON formatting errors due to the use of quotes, you can try the following approaches:

  1. Escape Quotes: Before sending the HTML code in the request body, escape any double quotes (") with a backslash (\). This ensures that the JSON data is properly formatted and does not conflict with the quotes used in the HTML code.
  2. Use Single Quotes in HTML: If possible, modify the HTML code to use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") for attribute values. This reduces the likelihood of conflicts with JSON formatting, as JSON typically uses double quotes.
  3. Base64 Encoding: Encode the HTML code using Base64 encoding before sending it in the request body. This avoids issues with quotes altogether since Base64-encoded data does not contain characters that need to be escaped in JSON.
  4. FormData: If you’re uploading HTML code as part of a form submission, consider using FormData to handle the request. FormData automatically handles encoding and formatting of data, including HTML content, making it less prone to JSON formatting errors.
  5. Content-Type Header: Ensure that the Content-Type header of the request is set to application/json or multipart/form-data, depending on how you’re sending the HTML code. This helps the server interpret the incoming data correctly.
    By applying one or more of these approaches, you should be able to upload HTML code without encountering JSON formatting errors due to quotes. Choose the method that best fits your use case and implementation.

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