Code Runner

द्वारा Haseeb Mir | अपडेट किया गया 2 महीने पहले | Tools
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Code Runner Tutorial

Tutorial on Code Runner API

Code Runner is a plugin that allows you to run and save code in over 70 programming languages directly in your ChatGPT browser. This handy API makes it easy to leverage Code Runner’s capabilities.


  • /run_code - Run code
  • /save_code - Save code
  • /download/{filename} - Download saved code
  • /help - Get help
  • /credit_limit - Check credit limit
  • /upload - Upload files
  • /quick_chart - Generate charts
  • /show_snippet - Display code snippets

Let’s go through examples for each endpoint:

Run Code

To run code, make a POST request to /run_code with a JSON body containing the code and language:

  "code": "print('Hello World')", 
  "language": "python"

The response will contain the output of running the code.

Save Code

To save code, make a POST request to /save_code with a JSON body containing the filename and code:

  "filename": "",
  "code": "print('Hello World')"

Upload Code

To upload code, make a POST request to /upload with a filename and data.

    "filename": "",
    "data": "print('This is test file data')"

Download Code

To download code, make a POST request to /download/{filename} with a filename


The response will contain a download_link to download the saved file.

Generate Chart

To generate chart, make a POST request to /quick_chart with a this data.

  "chart_type": "scatter",
  "labels": [
  "datasets": [
      "label": "Random Data",
      "data": [

Generate Code Snippet Image

To generate code snippet, make a POST request to /show_snippet with a this data.

    "code": "print('Hello World')",
    "title": "Prime Numbers",
    "theme": "Monokai",
    "language": "python",
    "opacity": 0,
    "blurLines": 0,
    "showNums": true