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Get Tweet Details Not Working

Rapid account: Mamtatechnologysolutions
לפני שנה
After yesterday's update by Musk, API is unable to fecth tweet details. Please fix as soon as possible
Rapid account: Datggcontent
datggcontent Commented לפני שנה

I tried with this param

q: “from:ufgatorband”,
result_type: ‘recent’,
count: 100,

and here’s the result

“statuses”: [],
“search_metadata”: {
“completed_in”: 0.026,
“max_id”: 1679120716359422000,
“max_id_str”: “1679120716359421952”,
“query”: “from%3Aufgatorband”,
“refresh_url”: “?since_id=1679120716359421952&q=from%3Aufgatorband&result_type=recent&include_entities=1”,
“count”: 100,
“since_id”: 0,
“since_id_str”: “0”

“statuses” is always empty even though the channel has many tweets.

Rapid account: Heros API
herosAPI Commented לפני שנה


Unfortunately our API is affected by the changes.
We are working to make it more stable. I suggest you take a look at the solutions below.

Solutions for some errors that the API gives:

  • Search: You can use the v1.1 / Search Tweets endpoint instead of this endpoint.
  • Tweet Detail & Conversation: You can use the v1.1 / Tweets endpoint instead of this endpoint. You can also receive up to 100 Tweets in a single request with the v1.1 endpoint. There doesn’t seem to be a valid way to retrieve replies to the Tweet for now.
  • User Tweets & Replies: You can use the v1.1 / Search Tweets endpoint instead of this endpoint. You should set the q parameter to “from:your_username” and the result_type parameter to “recent”. This will give a list of a user’s Tweets and replies. You can receive up to 100 Tweets in a single request.

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