
द्वारा InstreamMedia | अपडेट किया गया 2 mesi fa | Tools

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सेवा का स्तर


Health Check



header image


  • Arbitrary Values
  • compound classes

Quick Tips

use the following snippet to define the margin of the document

@page {
      margin: 1cm 2cm 2cm 2cm;

Howdy partner!

Are you tired of your plain old HTML documents? Want to spice things up and convert them into good ol’ PDFs? Well, you’ve come to the right saloon. Our HTML to PDF conversion API is the fastest converter in the wild west, yeehaw! We’ll have your HTML documents converted to PDF before you can even finish your shot of whiskey. So what are you waiting for? Hitch your wagon to our API and let’s ride off into the PDF sunset!

Our HTML to PDF conversion API is the perfect solution for a variety of use cases.

For example, imagine you’re a designer who wants to showcase their portfolio in a more professional and easily shareable format. Simply design your portfolio using HTML and our API will convert it to a PDF in a snap.

Or perhaps you’re a business owner who wants to create sleek and professional invoices for your clients. With our API, you can easily convert your HTML invoices to PDFs and send them off with a single click.

But that’s not all! Our API integrates with Tailwind, making it easy to create stunning designs for your HTML documents. So whether you’re a developer, designer, or business owner, our HTML to PDF conversion API has got you covered.

So saddle up and give our API a try. You won’t be disappointed!

Endpoint: POST /convert

This endpoint converts the given HTML code to a PDF document with the specified format and options.

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON object with the following properties:

tailwind: boolean if true tailwind is included

landscape: boolean determining whether the document is generated in portrait or landscape orientation.

format: string representing the desired format of the resulting PDF document. Valid options are: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Letter, Tabloid, Ledger, and Legal. Defaults to A4.

html: string representing the HTML code to be converted to PDF.

backgroundImage: string or object if you want to include a full page background image you can either just provide an url as a string or an object with the page number as key and a string url as value like this: { 0: "url to background image" } this code puts the background image on the first page

> important! the html needs to include a head tag

फॉलोवर: 3
उत्पाद वेबसाइट
API निर्माता:
Rapid account: Instream Media
API को रेट करने के लिए लॉग इन करें
रेटिंग: 4.5 - वोट: 2