
द्वारा Omniinfer API | अपडेट किया गया לפני חודשיים | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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How to test Omniinfer SD API of multiple models in RapidAPI

How to test Omniinfer SD API of multiple models in RapidAPI

Creation Date: June 18, 2023
Created By: Feng Liu
View most recent version on

Omniinfer in RapidAPI

Go to

1. Read the API <Endpoints> description

Note the input <key> is empty
Step 1 screenshot

Omnilnfer official site

Go to

2. Sign In Omniinfer

Step 2 screenshot

3. Type <Email> and <Paasword> to sign in

Step 3 screenshot

4. Go to <Account> navigation item and click <Add new key>

Step 4 screenshot

5. Generate a new key

Step 5 screenshot

6. Copy the key

Step 6 screenshot

Omniinfer in RapidAPI

7. Try <Text to Image> API

Input the <key> just copied and choose a model example
Step 7 screenshot

8. Click <Test Endpoint> and get the <task_id>

Step 8 screenshot

9. Go to <Progress> API, input the <task_id> just generated and click <Test Endpoint>

You will get the generated image on S3
Step 9 screenshot

# Get the image from S3

10. Get the image from S3

b4d8fbca-c62c-4fc9-a4e0-04518f4f731c-0.png (768×1024) (
Step 10 screenshot