
द्वारा Stefan Skliarov | अपडेट किया गया il y a 23 jours | Financial

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Coinbase Package

Connect to the Coinbase Digital Currency API to make bitcoin/ethereum transactions and get real-time data. Test an API call and export the code into your app.

  • Domain:
  • Credentials: clientId, clientSecret, apiKey, secretKey

How to get credentials:

  1. Sign up in Coinbase, and verify your email.
  2. Navigate to Settings/API Access.
  3. Click “New OAuth2 Application”, fill all required fields.
  4. Your app will appear in “My OAuth2 Applications” section. Open it.
  5. Use Client ID and Client Secret as credentials.

Custom datatypes:

Datatype Description Example
Datepicker String which includes date and time
Map String which includes latitude and longitude coma separated
List Simple array
Select String with predefined values
Array Array of objects


Geta access token.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client identifier.
clientSecret credentials Client secret.
redirectUri String URL in your app where users will be sent after authorization.
code String A one-time use code that may be exchanged for a bearer token.


Refresh access token.

Field Type Description
clientId credentials Client identifier.
clientSecret credentials Client secret.
refreshToken String The refresh token retrieved during the initial request for an access token.



Field Type Description
token String Active access token.


Lists notifications where the current user was the subscriber. Scopes: wallet:notifications:read

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
secretKey credentials Your API Secret.


Show a notification for which the current user was a subsciber. Scopes: wallet:notifications:read

Field Type Description
apiKey credentials Your API Key.
secretKey credentials Your API Secret.
notificationsId String Single notification identifier.


Get any user’s public information with their ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
userId String User identifier.


Get current user’s public information. Scope: wallet:user:read,wallet:user:email

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Get current user’s authorization information including granted scopes.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Modify current user and their preferences. Scope: wallet:user:update

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
name String User’s public name.
timeZone String Time zone.
nativeCurrency String Local currency used to display amounts converted from BTC.


Lists current user’s accounts to which the authentication method has access to. Scope: wallet:accounts:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Show current user’s account. Scopes: wallet:accounts:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Current user account identifier.


Creates a new account for user. Scopes: wallet:accounts:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
name String Account name.


Promote an account as primary account. Scopes: wallet:accounts:update

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


UpdateAccount. Scopes: wallet:accounts:update

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
name String Account name


Removes user’s account. Scopes: wallet:accounts:delete

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


Lists addresses for an account. Scopes: wallet:addresses:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


GetSingleAddress. Scopes: wallet:addresses:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
addressId String Address identifier.


List transactions that have been sent to a specific address. Scopes: wallet:transactions:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
addressId String Address identifier.


Creates a new address for an account. Scopes: wallet:addresses:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
name String Address label.


Lists account’s transactions. Scopes: wallet:transactions:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


Show an individual transaction for an account. Scopes: wallet:transactions:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
transactionId String Transaction identifier.


Send funds to a bitcoin address, ethereum address, or email address. Scopes: wallet:transactions:send

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
to String A bitcoin address, ethereum address, or an email of the recipient.
amount String Amount to be sent.
currency String Currency for the amount.
description String Notes to be included in the email that the recipient receives.
skipNotifications Boolean Don’t send notification emails for small amounts.
fee String Transaction fee in BTC if you would like to pay it.
idem String A token to ensure idempotence.


Transfer bitcoin or ethereum between two of a user’s accounts. Scopes: wallet:transactions:transfer

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
to String ID of the receiving account.
amount String Amount to be transferred.
currency String Currency for the amount.
description String Notes to be included in the transfer.


Requests money from an email address. Scopes: wallet:transactions:request

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
to String An email of the recipient.
amount String Amount to be requested.
currency String Currency for the amount.
description String Notes to be included in the email that the recipient receives.


Lets the recipient of a money request complete the request by sending money to the user who requested the money. Scopes: wallet:transactions:request

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
transactionId String Transaction identifier.


Lets the user resend a money request. Scopes: wallet:transactions:request

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
transactionId String Transaction identifier.


Lets a user cancel a money request. Scopes: wallet:transactions:request

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
transactionId String Transaction identifier.


Lists buys for an account. Scopes: wallet:buys:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


Show an individual buy. Scopes: wallet:buys:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
buyId String Individual buy identifier.


Buys a user-defined amount of bitcoin or ethereum. Scopes: wallet:buys:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
amount String Buy amount without fees.
total String Buy amount with fees (alternative to amount).
currency String Currency for the amount.
paymentMethod String The ID of the payment method that should be used for the buy.
agreeBtcAmountVaries Boolean Whether or not you would still like to buy if you have to wait for your money to arrive to lock in a price.
commit Boolean If set to false, this buy will not be immediately completed.
quote Boolean If set to true, response will return an unsave buy for detailed price quote.


Completes a buy that is created in commit: false state. Scopes: wallet:buys:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
buyId String Individual buy identifier.


Lists sells for an account. Scopes: wallet:sells:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


Show an individual sell. Scopes: wallet:sells:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
sellId String Individual sell identifier.


Sells a user-defined amount of bitcoin or ethereum. Scopes: wallet:sells:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
amount String Sell amount.
total String Sell amount with fees.
currency String Currency for the amount.
paymentMethod String The ID of the payment method that should be used for the sell.
agreeBtcAmountVaries Boolean Whether or not you would still like to sell if you have to wait for your money to arrive to lock in a price.
quote Boolean f set to true, response will return an unsave sell for detailed price quote.


Completes a sell that is created in commit: false state. Scopes: wallet:sells:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
sellId String Individual sell identifier.


Lists deposits for an account. Scopes: wallet:deposits:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


Show an individual deposit. Scopes: wallet:deposits:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
depositId String Deposit identifier.


Deposits user-defined amount of funds to a fiat account. Scopes: wallet:deposits:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
amount String Deposit amount.
currency String Currency for the amount.
paymentMethod String The ID of the payment method that should be used for the deposit.
commit Boolean If set to false, this deposit will not be immediately completed.


Completes a deposit that is created in commit: false state. Scopes: wallet:deposits:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
depositId String Deposit identifier.


Lists withdrawals for an account. Scopes: wallet:withdrawals:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.


Show an individual withdrawal. Scopes: wallet:withdrawals:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
withdrawalId String Withdrawal identifier.


Withdraws user-defined amount of funds from a fiat account. Scopes: wallet:withdrawals:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
amount String Withdrawal amount.
currency String Currency for the amount.
paymentMethod String The ID of the payment method that should be used for the withdrawal.
commit Boolean If set to false, this withdrawal will not be immediately completed.


Completes a withdrawal that is created in commit: false state. Scopes: wallet:withdrawals:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
accountId String Account identifier.
withdrawalId String Withdrawal identifier.


Lists current user’s payment methods. Scopes: wallet:payment-methods:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Show current user’s payment method. Scopes: wallet:payment-methods:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
paymentMethodId String Payment method identifier.


Get any merchant’s information with their ID.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
merchantId String Merchant identifier.


Lists the current user’s (merchant) orders. Scopes: wallet:orders:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Show current merchant order. Scopes: wallet:orders:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
orderId String Order identifier.


Creates a new merchant order. Scopes: wallet:orders:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
amount String Order amount (price).
currency String Order amount’s currency.
name String Name of the order.
description String More detailed description of the order.
notificationsUrl String Order specific notification URL.
metadata JSON JSON Object. Developer defined key value pairs.


Refunds an order. Scopes: wallet:orders:refund

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
orderId String Order identifier.
currency String The currency to issue the refund in.
refundAddress String Must be a valid bitcoin address.


Lists current user’s checkouts. Scopes: wallet:checkouts:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Show current user’s checkout. Scopes: wallet:checkouts:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
checkoutId String Checkout identifier.


Creates a new merchant order checkout product. Scopes: wallet:checkouts:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
amount String Order amount (price).
currency String Order amount’s currency.
name String Name of the order.
description String More detailed description of the checkout order.
type String Checkout’s order type.
style Select Style of a payment button. One of: buy_now_large, buy_now_small, donation_large, donation_small ,custom_large, custom_small.
customerDefinedAmount Boolean Allow customer to define the amount they are paying.
amountPresets List Array of Strings, allow customer to select one of the predefined amount values.
successUrl String URL to which the customer is redirected after successful payment.
cancelUrl String URL to which the customer is redirected after they have canceled a payment.
notificationsUrl String Checkout specific notification URL.
autoRedirect Boolean Auto-redirect users to success or cancel url after payment.
collectShippingAddress Boolean Collect shipping address from customer.
collectEmail Boolean Collect email address from customer.
collectPhoneNumber Boolean Collect phone number from customer.
collectCountry Boolean Collect country from customer.
metadata JSON JSON Object. Developer defined key value pairs.


Lists checkout product’s orders. Scopes: wallet:checkouts:read

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
checkoutId String Checkout identifier.


Creates a new order for a checkout. Scopes: wallet:checkouts:create

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
checkoutId String Checkout identifier.


List known currencies.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.


Get current exchange rates.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
currency String Base currency (default: USD).


Get the total price to buy one bitcoin or ether.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
currencyPair String Currency pair. Example BTC-USD.


Get the total price to sell one bitcoin or ether.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
currencyPair String Currency pair. Example BTC-USD.


Get the current market price for bitcoin.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
currencyPair String Currency pair. Example BTC-USD.
date DatePicker Specify date for historic spot price in format YYYY-MM-DD (UTC).


Get the API server time.

No arguments.


Retrieve next page for paginated blocks.

Field Type Description
accessToken String Access token.
nextUri String Next page Uri, from pagination object in response.
फॉलोवर: 12
उत्पाद वेबसाइट
API निर्माता:
Rapid account: Stefan Skliarov
Stefan Skliarov
API को रेट करने के लिए लॉग इन करें
रेटिंग: 5 - वोट: 1