DZI Stitcher

द्वारा Tuvia Rumpler | अपडेट किया गया 2 months ago | Video, Images
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DZI API Documentation


The DZI (Deep Zoom Image) API is a powerful tool designed for stitching Deep Zoom Images into full-sized images. This API provides a simple and flexible interface that supports custom output formats and resizing options.


GET /dzi

Fetches and stitches a DZI image into a full-size image.


  • url (required): The URL of the DZI image. This parameter must be included in the query.

  • format (optional): The desired output format of the image. Defaults to ‘jpeg’. Other supported formats will depend on the API’s capabilities.

  • resizeWidth (optional): The width to which the output image should be resized. If not provided, the original image width will be used.

  • resizeHeight (optional): The height to which the output image should be resized. If not provided, the original image height will be used.


  • Max response image size is 10MB.


GET /dzi?url=

This will fetch the DZI image from the provided URL, stitch it together, convert it to PNG format, and resize it to 800x600 pixels.


  • 200: Successful operation. The response will be the stitched image.

Error Codes

The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. The 2xx series of response codes indicate a success, 4xx indicates an error from the client-side, and a 5xx error indicates a server-side error.


The DZI API is a simple, flexible, and powerful tool for working with Deep Zoom Images. It saves you the complex and time-consuming task of manually stitching together DZI images, providing a seamless interface for generating high-quality, full-sized images from DZI files.

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API निर्माता:
Rapid account: Tuvia Rumpler
Tuvia Rumpler
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रेटिंग: 5 - वोट: 1