Rapid account: Debaditya Banerji

Debaditya Banerji / acolydebaian8

I'm a Fullstack Developer who specializes in crafting APIs, turning data into digital gold. With a passion for innovation and a touch of magic, I'm on a mission to empower the digital world one API at a time. Join me on a journey to unlock the infinite po


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Hello, sorry for the long wait. I was busy in some task and being a solo developer was hard for me to keep the endpoints updated. But now I'm back and will start adding more endpoints and updated the ones already present. Thanks for Using GPTs4u sáb. 7:02 20/4/24
Thanks for using GPTs4U, Yeah facing difficulties with Bing Chat at the moment, will try to resolve it asap. Regards, Deb. dom. 3:19 28/1/24
Hi, Thanks for using GPTs4u. First of all, never ask an LLM about itself as same LLM's can have same model but trained on different datasets which makes them unique. Aura is a model based on gpt and trained on specific datasets. And these models are provided by websites like this one here https://openchat.team/ Regards, Deb. vie. 10:32 26/1/24
Hello, it's good to see you taking interest in the process of the API. Primarily it is made using a lot of reverse engineering, network mimicking, and other automations. Some of the other language - specific libraries are doing something similar, they are open source. If you want to know how it's done you can check them out. Thanks for using our API. jue. 7:46 11/1/24
Hello Dinesh, thanks for using GPTs4u. Seems like your application is not able to connect to this API. Don't worry, I'll help you debug the code. However I need more information, can you send an email to debaofficial84n@gmail.com with the subject "GPTs4U Error". It'll really help if you provide information about which endpoint the error occurred, the code snippet that's sending the API request, etc. Regards, Deba. lun. 7:06 8/1/24
It's working now, thanks for your patience dom. 6:02 10/12/23