
Da FatSecret Platform API | Aggiornamento месяц назад | Food

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FatSecret Platform API Update - Access images, allergens and dietary preferences

As of Q1 2024, The FatSecret Platform API also provides access to images, allergens and dietary preferences.

Allergens & Dietary Preferences

Our current list of allergens available via the FatSecret Platform API are:

Egg, Fish, Gluten, Lactose, Milk, Nuts, Peanuts, Sesame, Shellfish, Soy

The dietary preferences currently covered are: Vegan and Vegetarian

Allergen and dietary preference attributes will become available for branded foods over coming months with a staged roll-out on a per product basis.

Food Images

The FatSecret Platform API now provides high quality food images for all generic foods globally. At this stage, a single high quality, isolated image for a food item in a neutral setting with bright white background in .png file format is available.

Each food image file will be available in 3 sizes:

  • 72x72 pixels
  • 400x400 pixels
  • 1024x1024 pixels

New / Updated API Calls

With these addition of the new data types, we have also published two upgrades to existing API calls to ensure these capabilities can be accessed and utilized by developers and are available both through food.get and food.search.

Please note that existing API calls (such as food.get.v3 and food.search.v2) remain available and fully functional to ensure backwards compatibility. The new API calls food.get.v4 and food.search.v3 are optional upgrades.

For our latest API calls please see:

In order to return food images please use the following parameters:

  • food_images=true

In order to return allergens and dietary preferences please use the following parameters:

  • food_attributes=true