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API key

Rapid account: Denys Pavlenko
il y a 3 ans

Hi there,
I canโ€™t figure out how to add API key with every request. I am using js fetch and I am not sure where I should attach that key. Thanks!

Rapid account: Accujazz
accujazz Commented il y a 3 ans

Hi Denys
Please refer to https://rawg.io/apidocs and the official documentation for examples. In short, you need to do something like this for every request:
GET https://api.rawg.io/api/platforms?key=YOUR_API_KEY
GET https://api.rawg.io/api/games?key=YOUR_API_KEY&dates=2019-09-01,2019-09-30&platforms=18,1,7
If you have more specific questions, please donโ€™t hesitate to send an email to api@rawg.io.

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