Da Debaditya Banerji | Aggiornamento vor 2 Monaten | Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

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Llama 2 appears to not work anymore

Rapid account: Mjaschmidt
vor 6 Monaten

It returns (500) Internal Server Error

Rapid account: Mjaschmidt
mjaschmidt Commented vor 6 Monaten

Great, thanks!

Rapid account: Acolydebaian 8
acolydebaian8 Commented vor 6 Monaten

Itโ€™s working now, thanks for your patience

Rapid account: Acolydebaian 8
acolydebaian8 Commented vor 6 Monaten

Hello, thanks for using GPTs4u!
Yes Llama2 provider is not working at the moment because the endpoint is undergoing some maintenance, but we will be fixing it super fast. Also meanwhile we will be releasing one or more providers which uses the same llama-2-70b model so that your development dosenโ€™t hinder. Hopefully the release will be by this Sunday (day after tomorrow).
Thanks again for bearing with us.

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