PPE Detection

Da AI-Engine | Aggiornamento 2 months ago | Visual Recognition

5.7 / 10



Livello di servizio


Health Check




The PPE Detection API allow users to identify Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) being worn by individuals in an image. This data can be harnessed to enhance safety protocols in a workplace. For instance, it can be employed to ascertain whether construction site workers are using head coverings or to verify if healthcare professionals have equipped themselves with face and hand coverings

Main Features

  • Face Cover Detection: The API can detect common face covers, including surgical, N95, and cloth masks.
  • Head Cover Detection: The API can detect hard hats and helmets.
  • Hand Cover Detection: The API can detect hand coverings like surgical gloves and safety gloves.


HTTP Method URL Description
POST https://ppe-detection1.p.rapidapi.com/detect-ppe Detect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from image

PPE Detection

Proprity Description
URL https://ppe-detection1.p.rapidapi.com/detect-ppe
Methode POST
POST Parameters image: BINARY OR url: STRING
Supported content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded | multipart/form-data

Response Schema

"responses": {
  "statusCode" :..,
  "body": {
    "Persons": [
        "Id": ...,
        "Confidence": ...,
        "BoundingBox": ...,
        "HeadCover": {
        	"Confidence": ...,
        	"BoundingBox": ...
        "FaceCover": {
        	"Confidence": ...,
        	"BoundingBox": ...
        "RightHandCover": {
        	"Confidence": ...,
        	"BoundingBox": ...
        "LeftHandCover": {
        	"Confidence": ...,
        	"BoundingBox": ...

Response Field Descriptions

Field Type Description
statusCode int Status code of image processing.
Persons[] array An array containing detected persons in the image.
Persons[].Id string The Person Id.
Persons[].Confidence float The confidence number associated with the detected person.
Persons[].BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected person.
Persons[].HeadCover object An object that contains information about the detected head cover. If no head cover is detected, this field will be null.
Persons[].HeadCover.Confidence float The confidence score associated with the detection of the head cover.
Persons[].HeadCover.BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected head cover.
Persons[].FaceCover object An object that contains information about the detected face cover. If no face cover is detected, this field will be set to null.
Persons[].FaceCover.Confidence float The confidence score associated with the detection of the face cover.
Persons[].FaceCover.BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected face cover.
Persons[].RightHandCover object An object that contains information about the detected right hand cover. If no right hand cover is detected, this field will be null.
Persons[].RightHandCover.Confidence float The confidence score associated with the detection of right hand cover.
Persons[].RightHandCover.BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected right hand cover.
Persons[].LeftHandCover object An object that contains information about the detected left hand cover. If no left hand cover is detected, this field will be null.
Persons[].LeftHandCover.Confidence float The confidence score associated with the detection of the left hand cover.
Persons[].LeftHandCover.BoundingBox object An object containing a bounding box around the detected left hand cover.

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Creatore dell'API:
Rapid account: AI Engine
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Valutazione: 5 - Voti: 1