
Da blips-and-chitz | Aggiornamento hace 2 meses | Tools
Health Check


Torna a tutti i tutorial (4)

Quick start guide

Go to endpoints and click on the Subscribe to Test button.

You will be redirected to the Pricing page.
Choose a plan and click on the โ€œSubscribeโ€ button.
We currently support only Basic plan at $0.00 / mo.

Click on createCredentials and then on the Test Endpoint to generate privateApiKey.

Copy and save your privateApiKey. Do not share it with anyone.
Youโ€™ll use it to get access to your feedbacks.

Click on createFeedback and then on the Test Endpoint to create your first feedback.

Click on getFeedback and then fill out X-API-KEY with your privateApiKey.
Click on the Test Endpoint to get list of your feedbacks.