Football Prediction

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Getting Predictions for a Whole Season in a League

Rapid account: Ahmetcemek 24
לפני 6 חודשים


Is there a way to get the predictions for the past games (historical data) without using the “iso_date” parameter?

It looks like I need to specify the “iso_date” parameter when making a call but I don’t want the prediction for a day. I want the predictions for the whole past season for a league.

As an example, let’s say I want to get the all predictions for the Premier League (England) 2020-2021 season. How can I do that?

Thanks in advance,

Rapid account: Ahmetcemek 24
ahmetcemek24 Commented לפני 6 חודשים


I’m trying to create a model that makes analysis about teams’ perfermonces for those 5 leagues.

Rapid account: Fdoped
fdoped Commented לפני 6 חודשים


Are you trying to check if the predictions were profitables on these leagues?

I dont think so, I already tested on a database with more than 1000 predictions sent, checking by league, country and others.

All of the results were not profitables.

Rapid account: Boggio Analytics
boggio-analytics Commented לפני 6 חודשים

There is no prediction data prior to 2018, the API was created in 2018 so there is no history before that.

Rapid account: Ahmetcemek 24
ahmetcemek24 Commented לפני 6 חודשים


I’m trying to get predictions for the past games (historical data) between 2010 - 2022 for Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Ligue 1, and Bundesliga.

I don’t think this API goes further from 2018.

Is this possible with this API?


Rapid account: Boggio Analytics
boggio-analytics Commented לפני 6 חודשים


There is no such endpoint at the moment. The only way to achieve what you want at the moment is by doing what you are already trying. (using the iso_date).
This might be a bit too verbose for what you need.
Do you need this on a recurrent base? Or just for one-time checking the performance?
If it’s a one-time request maybe I can provide you with an extract

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