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Understanding MMA Stats (UFC) API Endpoints: A Quick Tutorial on Search and Fight Details

The UFC Fight Details API allows users to retrieve fight details for upcoming UFC events. This tutorial will guide you on how to use the API endpoints and their available options to retrieve the desired data.

There are three available endpoints in the UFC Fight Details API:



/April_08_2023 endpoint:
This endpoint returns the fight details for the UFC event happening on April 08, 2023. It accepts two optional query parameters:
a) offset: Used to specify the number of records to skip before starting to return records.
b) limit: Used to specify the maximum number of records to return.

Example usage:
To get the first 5 fights for the April 08, 2023 event, make a GET request to the endpoint: and the parameters will be offset=0 & limit=5
To get the next 5 fights for the same event, make a GET request to the endpoint: and the parameters will be offset=5 & limit=5

/April_15_2023 endpoint:
This endpoint returns the fight details for the UFC event happening on April 15, 2023. It also accepts two optional query parameters:
a) offset: Used to specify the number of records to skip before starting to return records.
b) limit: Used to specify the maximum number of records to return.
Example usage:
To get the first 3 fights for the April 15, 2023 event, make a GET request to the endpoint: and the parameters will beoffset=0&limit=3
To get the next 3 fights for the same event, make a GET request to the endpoint: and the parameters will be offset=3 & limit=3

/search endpoint:
This endpoint allows users to search for a specific term in the data. It accepts one required query parameter:
a) q: The search term to look for in the fight details. Note this term is required to conduct the serach
Example usage:
To search for the fight details that include the name “Pereira”, make a GET request to the endpoint:
This will return a list of fight details where “Pereira” is mentioned in the fighters’ names.

I hope this tutorial helps you use the endpoints effectively. If you have any further questions or need more information, please let me know.