Email Validation

Da LearnWithHasan | Aggiornamento 23 days ago | Email

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Valutazione: 5 - Voti: 1


Our email validation and verification API is designed for developers, marketers, and businesses seeking to enhance their email deliverability and maintain hygiene in their mailing lists.

It offers real-time email checking solutions that significantly reduce bounce rates, improve campaign performance, and elevate user experience.

Email Validation Result

The result is returned in JSON format. Here’s a sample output:

  "success": true,
  "message": "Success",
  "result": {
    "validation": {
      "email": "",
      "code": "5",
      "role": false,
      "free_email": false,
      "result": "Safe to Send",
      "reason": "Deliverable",
      "send_transactional": 1,
      "did_you_mean": ""
    "tip": "Always keep mobile users in mind. A significant portion of users open emails on mobile devices. Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly so that they look good on any screen size."

What we care about is the “result” section, it provides you with the information you’re looking for regarding the validity of the email. Here for example:

  • Email: The email you want to validate
  • Code: Each result has a unique number ranging between 1 and 8, where each number represents something:
    1. Not an email
    2. Spam-trap by ESPs.
    3. A temporary, disposable address.
    4. A domain-wide setting.
    5. Verified as real address.
    6. Verified as invalid (Bounce).
    7. The server cannot be reached.
    8. Role accounts such as info, support, etc.
  • Role: Is the email role-based or not. Role emails such as “team@” “support@” etc. are not suitable for sending marketing emails to.
  • Free_email: Is the email from a free email provider or not.
  • Result: The final response is whether the email is safe to send or not.
  • **Reason: **The reason why the result is given.
  • Send_transactional: Is it suggested that you send transactional emails to the recipient or not (0: no, 1: yes)
  • Did_you_mean: If you misspelled the email address like, it suggests for you the corrected email address.

And, finally the tip: An actionable piece of advice that will help you improve your email marketing!