Euro Cup 2016 Live Scores

Da Simone | Aggiornamento 23 days ago | Entertainment
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Pricing for Euro Cup api

Rapid account: Zvonko 123
8 years ago


Im intrigued by ur pricing plans, could u explain in detail?

is the number, 10 / 250 / 500 number of free <b>requests</b> or something else ?

Thank you,

Rapid account: Heisenbug
heisenbug Commented 8 years ago

Hi Zvonimir,
thanks for your interest into our API, we appreciate this a lot.
For your question, yes those are free requests for the subscribed plan, so with a FREE plan you have 10 free calls before be charged (a call with a 500 error response is not taken into account).
A paid plan has an higher number of calls you can execute per month before be charged again and a lower price per call applied for each call over quota.
Take in mind that we have to kind of APIs with live and no live response that have different quotas and extra quota prices.
We hope to have you aboard soon, let us know for any problem or doubt.

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